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Y/n and Tommy were still in each others embrace.There lips were still touching each other.There bodies started feeling hot all of a sudden.A weird jolt of electricity ran through their veins.Y/n slowly pulled away from his plum lips even though she wanted him to kiss her forever.She put her forehead on his and closed her eyes.
Never in his life did Tommy feel more alive.More into the moment.The kiss left him speechless.He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.He brought his hand to her neck and pulled her close.
"Don't ever fucking leave me"he said between his breaths.His breath vibrating on her skin causing her to shiver under his touch.
Her cheeks turned pink and she looked in his eyes with a slight smile on her face
"I wont"
Tommy felt like he came home when she said that.Home is wherever she's with him.He felt like his problems all disappeared now that she was in his arms.
"Ahem"a deep voice cleared its throat.The both looked at their side together to see Arthur standing with a smirk of his face and the whole family standing there smiling and smirking at each other.John let out a wolf whistle and y/n chuckled.Tommy got goosebumps when she laughed and he looked back at her.There arms were still entangled in each other and they toh didn't pull away.
"You broke my heart"John said sarcastically crying
"Oh please you fucked a woman last night"tommy spat
"Wow then we're even John"y/n said smirking.She slowly pulled away from Tommy and he helped her stand up.She slightly winced but the pain soon left.It had been only a second since she stood up but all of them came and hugged her tightly.
"I missed you so much"Ada cried
Y/n slightly giggled
"I was so worried"John said
"Tell me about it.I went fucking nuts but not as much as tommy"he said
Y/n felt her cheeks getting warm.
"You know guys I love you all but this is painful"she said laughing slightly
They all quickly pulled away not wanting to hurt her and apologised.Y/n looked at Tommy who was smiling looking down at the floor.He looked back up to meet her gaze and she smiled and shook her head.
"Come on let's get you some tea and then take some rest"Polly said looking at them both smiling.
Y/n nodded and sat down back on the bed with pollys help.Polly asked everyone to go out and let her take some rest.
"Come on lot of you get out"she said pointing at the door
"Even you tommy"she said smirking at him.He nodded and walked over to the door but he looked back to get a glimpse of her and to his surprise she was already staring at him.It's like his legs were giving up on him.He couldn't control how happy and fulfilled he was feeling now that she was back to be his and his only.He smiled to himself and walked out of the room putting his hands in his pockets and earning wolf whistles from his brothers.
Polly helped her lie down properly and cleaned her wounds properly.
"I think these will take time to heal"Polly said examining them
"No they won't.I use a medicine my mom used to make and it helps heal the wounds in a matter of 2 days"y/n said
"That's impossible"Polly said scoffing
"Nothing's impossible in my world Polly.You know what weapon I used to kiss that bastard today?"y/n said when polly's eyes went a little wide in shock even though she knew she killed him
"I used a dagger.An Egyptian dagger that was kept in the blood of cleopatra and in the poison of a cobra"she said lying on the pillow and sighing
" show it to us tomorrow"Polly said smiling and slightly touching her head.Y/n was just like a daughter to her.A daughter she never had.But she loved y/n a lot.
Y/n nodded and closed her eyes which was a signal for her to leave now.Polly smiled and stood up and walked outside the room.
Y/n opened her eyes because she was so fascinated.The way he could drive her crazy was so intoxicating.The way his lips felt on her was so intoxicating.The way his sweet whiskey and smoke scent used to fill her nose was so intoxicating.Y/n was in a different world.She felt so lightheaded like she would literally levitate in the air.She felt like she came home.Home after all those dark days.Home with Tommy.
Soon with her thoughts in her mind she drifted off to sleep.

It was around 6:00 in the morning.Y/n woke up by the sound of thunder clapping outside.She stretched herself on the bed and look outside the window above the bed.The weather was beautiful.She even realised that her pain became less.It was still there but it was less.She got off the bed and took her scarf and walked downstairs.She reached the kitchen to take a glass of water.When suddenly a voice interrupted her
"You're up early"Tommy's husky morning voice said sending chills down her spine.His voice vibrating in her ears like he was just talking right beside her.She looked back and saw Tommy standing in the corner leaning against the wall.Y/n couldn't help but notice how he looked.He was wearing a white shirt that was showing a part of his skin on his chest.His suspenders were undid and were hanging loose from his sides.His hair was messy and he had a slightly tired look on his face.In conclusion he looked hot.
"I could say the same to you"y/n said smirking and leaning against the kitchen counter

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