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It was late at night around 2:00 or 3:00.Y/n was sitting in her office in her manor and was doing some paperwork.Her servant knocked the large wooden door and she allowed him to come in.He gave her a few mails,invitations to galas,even some stupid love notes from people she doesn't even know.Her attention fell on a red envelope.She took it and examined what it was.Her fingers ran through the large envelope and she opened it.A golden card came from it and she was about to drop it off but her eyes fell on a name.Thomas Shelby.She ready what it was and turned out it was an invitation to the wedding of Tommy and grace.Her heart dropped in a bottomless pit.She felt like everything around her is now nothing but just dark.The envelope slipped from her hand and her eyes grew wide.She stood up and slowly walked towards the large window in her office.She was in her own thought.So many questions rose in her.Why was she feeling so sad?Why wasn't she happy that a close friend was getting married?Why was she sad?Was she falling for him?
Her heart dropped in a faster speed when she heard what she thought.She fell for him and she fell hard.The feeling she felt when she was close to him was love.The feeling she felt when he was with grace was jealousy.The same feeling she felt all the time around him in her heart was love itself.She was getting so confused that her head was paining.Her legs were giving up on her and she dropped to the floor.Not even a tear came out because she was so in shock.
"No"she whispered to herself while running her hands through her hair.Her blood flow grew faster and she was not In her senses anymore.She walked towards the corner of the room and grabbed a whiskey bottle and threw the bottle cap away.She gulped the drink and didn't stop until the bottle was about to get empty.Not even two minutes passed by that she was now getting drunk.She walked towards her door and opened the door and walked downstairs.She opened the door to her manor and walked outside.She decided to go meet Tommy.Her legs were limp and she was giggling alone in the streets.She spinned and jumped while walking to his house.She finally reached his house and skipped towards the door.She giggled and knocked on the door.She knocked and knocked again until someone opened it.It was Tommy.There he stood still dressed up properly wearing glasses.
"Pfffft hahaha nice glasses"y/n laughed loudly
Tommy just looked at her confused and then saw a whiskey bottle in her hand.He sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"You're drunk?"he said even though he knew the answer
"No I'm not"y/n said like a baby who was blamed for something a baby didn't do
"Okay maybe a little"she said almost falling down but Tommy's hand grabbed her waist tight.Y/n yelped and looked at Tommy.He looked at her and her Jasmine cologne covered the air again.She stood back up properly and grabbed the door and walked inside.Tommy just looked at her coming inside and closed the door behind him.He walked over to the kitchen and brought a glass of water for her.
"Here drink it"he said giving her the glass
"No I don't want water.Can I get some whiskey?"she said begging
"I'm out"he said lying
" a Shelby out of whiskey?Jeez that's just sad"she said with her eyes wide
Tommy brought her hand up and placed the glass on her hand.She looked at the glass and was about to open her mouth but Tommy just shoved the water up her mouth and she sighed and drank it.
"Tommy can I tell you something?"she said putting the glass down
He sat down beside her and nodded while running his hands on his face.
"I think I love you"y/n said in an innocent voice
Tommy stopped in his tracks.He didn't believe she just said that
"What did you say?"he said squinting his eyes a little in confusion
"I ......love.......you ......I think"y/n said
Her sentence was followed by her laugh.
"I'm so drunk that I forgot you are getting married"y/n said between her laughs and laughed again
Tommy just sat still not knowing what to do or how to react.He was so deep in thought that half an hour passed by.He woke up from his trance and looked over to his side to see y/n fast asleep on the couch.After so long he finally noticed what she looked like up close.Her featured were so sharp and beautiful.The way she was sleeping made her look so peaceful.A small smile crept on his face and he stood up and lifted her up bridal style.He walked over to a guest room and opened the door with his foot.He slowly placed her on the bed and put a blanket on her.He was going to walk away but he took one more look of how she looked sleeping.She was beautiful he thought to himself but he wasn't marrying her.His smile was removed from his face and he walked outside from the room and walked away to his own room.The thought of what she said is not going to let him sleep but he wanted to think about it.He needed some time.

The next morning came in a second.Tommy was sitting in his hall with a newspaper and a cigarette in the other hand.The sun rays fell on y/n's face and she squinted her eyes.She opened her eyes and sudden pain took over her head.She sat back up and ran her fingers through her hair.Her head heart a lot from the amount of whiskey she drank.She got off the bed and started walking towards the door but she fell on air.
"Fuck!!!!"she screamed in pain
Tommy heard her voice and looked up to see if she would say anything but then looked back down at his newspaper.Y/n came in the hall rubbing her foot.Her hair was a little messed up but it still looked good.Tommy saw her coming in the hall with an irritated look on her face.
"Morning"she said while sitting on the couch near him and grabbing the newspaper from his hands that were now paused at the same position.He looked at her and sighed.Y/n made a weird face like someone banged something loud
"Can you now sigh that loudly?"she said putting the newspaper down
Tommy just raised his hands in defence.A silence surrounded the room and y/n put down the newspaper.
"I've never drank so much I always have control over my liquor"y/n said but then she remembered why she drank last night and her face went pale.
"What did I do last night and how did I get here?"y/n asked with a confused look
Tommy put down his cigarette and sighed deeply
"You were drunk and you came knocking on my door and just entered in and then you said something that took me of guard"he said closing his eyes and leaning forward on his seat
"Well what did I say?"y/n asked innocently she really had no idea what she said
"You said that"Tommy paused
"You said that you love me"he continued and was now looking directly at y/n
She froze in place.The words she never thought would come out eventually did with alcohol.
"No no no you must be mistaken I never said that"y/n said standing up and shaking her head
"You did clearly"Tommy said
Y/n started walking here and there with panic in her eyes
"Is is true y/n?"he asked standing up and walking towards her
She took a step back
"Is it true?"he asked again but this time with a little impatience
He walked even more closer and y/n kept walking back until the wall hits her back.She didn't want to be close he was getting married for fucks sake
"Tommy I-"y/n was said but was interrupted
"Is it true y/n?"he asked again but a little harshly
He got even more closer and panic flowed through her Veins
"Yes"y/n said as her back Hit the wall and her eyes closed
"Yes it's true"she said opening it again
Tommy stood still and took a step back and walked over to pour himself a whiskey
"Look Tommy I am sorry okay?You are getting married and I don't want to ruin what we have our friendship,business anything.So can we just forget I said that please."y/n said walking over to him
He didn't say anything and just stood with his back at her.
"You said you love me and it is true"he said in a very low voice
"Yes Tommy it's true!!"y/n said getting frustrated by it
"It's doesn't change anything Tommy okay?It won't!"
"Y/n"Tommy said
"No tommy it's is not going to change anything and I won't let it!!"y/n said
"I am not going to let it change anything you understand"y/n said with a hard glare
She walked past Tommy to go upstairs and get her things.Tommy felt like a knife was stabbed in his when he smelled her perfume.He didn't feel lightheaded this time because he was so in shock.
"It won't change anything"he muttered
Y/n walked back downstairs and walked outside away from him.Tommy just stood there still looking at her.His hall now smelled like her and it was like a punch in his gut.
Y/n walked back to her house trying her best to keep her tears away from her eyes.She knew she was strong.She never used to cry but ever since she came here she couldn't stop them.She fell for him.She fell hard

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