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Walking out of the hospital after days,feeling the fresh air on her skin,slight cuts tingled but the wind but she was too relieved to care

Y/n was coming back once and for all.She waited so long to hold Tommy...to hold her gun.To be herself again.

She knew where to go first.

To Tommy's house

He had everything arranged,he shaved first thing in the morning,wore his attire,a clean hat and a new cigarette between his lips

Standing right in his corridor opening to the door.He quietly listened to the sound of her cigarette sizzling by the fire

Just then he saw a black car come up from the front gates.

His heart slipped a beat,his stomach did a flip.Y/n peeped out of the window,staring at the man she loved with a smile

The driver stopped the car on the driveway and y/n got out.Smiling ear to ear she walked up to him and he to her.

"Welcome back love"he said and cupped her cheek kissing her passionately.Y/n closed her eyes smiling in the kiss

Already hearing

The bells toil

The doors opened to the church.His eyes locked there wanting to see her with much admiration.She stood there in a white dress,a veil covering her face

His heart skipped a beat again.Y/n walked slowly towards him.The crowd gasping in awe.Arthur who was standing behind Tommy felt like his heart would melt

Tommy was so busy admiring her he didn't even realise she was already in front of her.He wasn't able to realise that he was already picking up her veil

Suddenly she locked her eyes with his blue ones.Oh how they fell for each other again.Tommy put his fingers down to look at her

Y/n gave him the slightest smile,the softest one.Tommy smiled after so long.After saying the vows and there I do's.They put the rings on there fingers and felt so complete


The crowd all burst out in cheers.Tommy chuckled and kissed his wife.

Still remembering the first time he ever saw her,when she was elegantly dancing not bothered about anyone seeing her

The time she looked right into his eyes and introduced herself.

When they kissed for the first time ever,it was like two worlds colliding with each other

from the very start tommy was attracted to her in every way.Everything about her was noticed by him and he sure was intrigued

Her smile

Her laugh

Her anger

Her lust



Thank u so much guys for reading this story.I had not worked on this for so long because I was writing other stories but coming back to this story was truly amazing

And now I finally have an end for it

..another book finished

..another chapter of my life finished

Thank u

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