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In the 1970s, abortion was a hot issue. Since July 7, 1967 when the sexual revolution rocketed from obscurity into public view at Woodstock to become the public square debate of the day, the slide into social decay accelerated. Countermeasures mounted by hundreds of thousands of folks with traditional values from Judeo-Christian upbringing took to the streets.

The countering forces initiated sit-ins at abortion clinics, chanting insulting slogans of judgment, damnation and doom. Some of them, of course, were moved by compassionate motives and Christ like love, but their voice was muted by outcries of the majority anti-abortion activists. My feeling was that the tragedy of the rabid anti-abortion majority voices is vested in the forgotten mothers and children who were not reached with adoptive and caring Christian compassion.

Thus, these lyrics were borne in my heavy heart for them. The voice is first person as coming from The God of Heaven and Jesus Christ.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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