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Ceiling. That's what you saw when you opened your eyes from falling asleep in the car; the cheap popcorn of the white ceiling above you. Leaking in on the big floor to ceiling window next to you was the almost blinding sunlight of a normal day. You tried to sit up to see more of your surroundings but was ushered down with a soft feminine hand to the center of your chest.

"Huh?" You softly breathed. Your eyes crawled up the woman's hand until it reached her face.

A pretty woman, she was. She couldn't have been any older than around twenty. It clicked in your mind rather quickly that this kind woman was the same one that shot Venus in the heart without a second thought of regret. It couldn't have been her, but it was. With a soft and friendly closed smile, she brought her hand to your face, bringing your hair out of your eyes.

"Good morning." She said. "The operation went well. Although I'd advise you not move for a fast recovery."

"I-" You sputtered, confused. "What? Operation?" You said with a franitc cadence to your voice as your eyebrows furrowed in a knit expression.

"The bullet removal." Said the woman simply with the same consistent smile. "Anyway, my name's Cate and this over here is Martin." Said Cate, gesturing her hand to the boy. You hadn't even noticed him until she pointed him out.

You immediately recognized he was the boy in the car with Rob and Cate. Martin nodded to you to say hello, to which you waved back. Martin wasn't a pretty guy. However he was young-looking. Around Nick's age or younger. He didn't matter right now though, and you turned your gaze back to the eye-candy of a woman next to you.

Only one thought was wandering through your mind right now. Where were your friends? Nick, George, and Clay seemed to be absent in this room. They weren't anywhere to be seen.

"She wants to know where her friends are." Said Martin with glowing burnt orange eyes. He was reading your mind - he's an Orange. A rarity now-a-days. One of the last, you were sure of it. "The three boys." He elaborated.

"Ah," Cate said as she sat up straight, removing her hand from your face and onto the edge of the hospital bed you laid on. "Martin, why don't you go and fetch them for me? They should be right outside."

"Yes, ma'am." Said Martin quickly as his eyes faded back to their normal color.

As he was opening the door, Cate brought her hand up. With a piercing blue glow to them, she used her telekinetic abilites to shut the door from where she stood. Blue, you identified. It was a sharp action, sharper than compared to whenever George would use his abilites. She must've practiced and had some training of her own. Or maybe, because of her age, she's simply had years of use and knowledge.

"Martin, do not use your abilities on our guests." Cate instructed. "That's an order to remain unbroken unless I say otherwise. Alright?"

Martin's jaw ticked, annoyed. "Yes, ma'am." He said, this time drier.

"Good." Cate told Martin as she let go of the door, the glow in her eyes draining. She turned to you as Martin left and walked out to look for your friend group. "I'm sorry you had to see that. He can be a bit abrasive sometimes. You know how fourteen year olds can be."

You huffed a laugh as you relaxed under her kind gaze and soft spoken voice again. "Yeah."

"Would you like something to eat?" She asked. "It's nothing like what they serve that Thurmond, I'll tell you that."

"Yeah, I would." You replied with a laugh. "Can you help me sit up before you go?" You asked, using your hand to gesture at the hospital bed.

"Of course, of course." Cate said as she lowered herself to do as you asked with a willing smile. The backrest of the bed sat up and brought you in a sitting-up position with it.

"Thanks." You said. Cate nodded and she began to walk towards the door.

"I'll be back soon. Let me know if you need anything." She told you. You hummed a yes and nodded as she left, closing the door softly.

Now that you were sitting upright and with no one to talk to, you took this moment to observe your surroundings. The room was open and breathable. The tightness in your chest and weight on your shoulders felt lifted in this room. It was a lovely room after all. There was a small couch and table in front of the bed with a pot of flowers on it. They were healthy and brightly pigmented. It was a gorgeous visual. Turning to the window next to you that was bleeding in light earlier, you could see outside of it as your eyes were now adjusted to the brightness. There was a small grass field outside. The grass was green and alive. Suddendly the door opened quickly and you saw George looking happy with Nick and Clay behind him.

"(Y/n)!" George exclaimed as he dashed towards you and hugged you gently, trying not to hurt you. "How did it go? Are you okay?"

"Yeah," You laughed at George's excitedness. "I'm okay, everything's fine." You told him genuinely as you tapped his back with your hand.

"Oh, thank God. I was so worried." George told you with a smile of his own.

"I thought you couldn't trust me." You joked, bringing up how bitter he was with you before.

"Fuck off." George laughed as he hugged you even tighter. "I'm just happy to see you not-dead."

"Wow, thanks." You laughed in a jokingly sarcastic tone. "I think it's time we upgrade from enemies to frenemies."

"I agree." George laughed as he pulled away and stook his hand out to you. "Frenemies?" He asked.

With a smile, you accepted the hand shake. "Frenemies."

"Alright, alright, it's my turn to give my two cents." Nick said as he shoved George away. "How ya doin', (Y/n/n)?"

"I'm okay." You replied, a kind and polite smile.

"I'm glad to hear that." He told you, returning the grin.

"You're not in your uniform anymore." You said, gesturing to his outfit. He wore normal clothing that was a bit oversized.

"Yeah, Clay gave me some of his clothes for now." Nick said as he did a little spin, earning a laugh from you.

"Okay, it's my turn to give my word." Clay said, tapping Nick on the shoulder.

"Oh, God." Nick sighed. "George we don't wanna see this. They're gonna be all gross 'n shit."

"True." George said with a teasing laugh. "Just use protection."

"GEORGE." You exclaimed with a straight face, earning a laugh from them all as you chastised the boy from his out-of-pocket comment.

"Bye!" Nick said in a sing-song voice as he walked out the door with George. You rolled your eyes as they closed it, their laughs from the other side were loud.

The air became tense between you and Clay as the two boys left. He smirked before laughing bashfully. Clay walked up to the bed and leaned on the edge.

"Hey." He said as he brought a hand to your cheek. "You doin' okay?"

"Yeah," You breathed as you brought your hands to the back of his neck. Your fingers messed with the base of his hair. He shivered at the touch. "I'm even better now." You half-joked.

"I'm sorry I kissed you without asking before." Clay said.

"It wouldn't have made a difference if you asked. I mean, it would've been nice but I wanted to kiss you either way." You admitted, laughing bashfully with breath.

"This time I'll ask." Clay began but then you cut him off with an answer before he could even think about asking the question.

"Yes." You said with another laugh.

Clay laughed along with you as he brought your heart, mind, and body together in one through the genuine action. It was full of love and dear meaning. And for the first time, the mental fever that plagued you as you lived your horrid life didn't feel as intense anymore. In the hold he held, you felt safe at last.

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