Rule or Revenge

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????????'s point of view
I left the small town unnoticed by the few Steves still awake. I stayed hidden as a Red Steve. I made my way up the mountain following the blood trail left behind by Sabre and The Guardian earlier. Demon Steve made sure I watched what happened in case anything went wrong.

I was soon in the place of the fight. Nothing much shaped signs of a fight here anymore. The rain can easily hide anything it wishes, except for the large hole in the ground where the fireball was thrown at Sabre's leg.

I walked for a while mostly staying within the trees to cover myself from the rain. After walking for about an hour or two I found the cave we decided to stay at until we have a better plan. I go inside following the Redstone torches until I reached the main area that was filled with normal ones.

No one was asleep, but not everyone was in the same room. Dark was helping his Father Nightmare Steve to wrap the few wounds Sabre gave him in the fight. Dark had a similar attire to Nightmare Steve. He had a long sleeve shirt of a very dark grey with black jeans. His hair going over some of his face. He has the same armor on himself, but had no mark of any kingdom on it. He had a small black crown on his head, but nothing else.

Their were only two other people in the room. Reverse and Void Steve. Reverse Steve looked exactly like Rainbow Steve, but inverted. He wore overalls that faded from Red, yellow, orange and green. And wore a shirt sleeved shirt that faded from light blue, to dark blue than a bright purple. His hair style the same as Rainbow's Steve. He also wore boots. That were a bright green as well.

Void Steve was nothing but a large black cloak. He has a body sharp, but it was nothing but darkness. No way to see how he truly looked as if his cloak was the only thing keeping him together, with his Red eyes that had no definition.

"Your back." Void said looking at me. I spoke in the same voice the Red Steve had.

"Yes, what information are you looking for?"

"Is the Guardian dead." Dark Steve asked.

"He definitely is, I killed him myself." Nightmare Steve stated.

"No he is alive, but barely." I looked at Nightmare Steve and I could see anger boil in his face.

"Told you, with Sabre still here he will ruin everything." Void Steve added. Dark nods with agreement.

"Infinity just doesn't understand. So doesn't Origin Steve."

"Demon Steve is more on their side though sadly. If they want all of us villains to rule the world then he needs to make Sabre his biggest target." Nightmare says sternly and gets up.

"Can't believe you let a Player hurt you like that. Sabre barely even touched me." Void laughs at Nightmare Steve. He growls and goes up to him angrily.

"Why don't you do better?" He asked.

"I would, but my so called Brother is still here. He currently has all of my abilities. I have to take them back first." Void grumbled. He was really upset when he found out he didn't have abilities.

Where is Everyone else?" I asked them.

"They are in a different part of the cave. Not sure if they are planning or resting." Dark says as he looks in a different direction. Most likely where the others are.

"Well, I have more information. It seems Time and Sabre are together." I added. Nightmare looks at me.

"Really? I guess I could use that in his nightmare..." Nightmare Steve said as he waved his hand in the air.

"Nightmare?" Void looked at Nightmare Steve.

"It's a ability I have. If I touch someone that night I can give them a Nightmare. The more energy I have the worse the nightmare. I usually base it off of memories."

"That's how he got his name. Not just because the Steves feared him." Dark added with a smile. That's interesting to know. Might be useful, and a good warning.

"That's all I have to repot at the moment. If you need me again. You'll know where to find me." I say to them. I start to walk off, but Void Steve grabs my hand.

"Could you show me where my Brother is?" He asked. I looked at him for a few seconds and shifted into his brother. I bumped into him when he was rushing to the Overseer's house. A free form.

"Why don't you find me yourself!" I said in his voice. Void flinched and everyone laughed.

"Scared of a pufferfish living idiot still?" I tell him. He looks away a bit embarrassed.

"He has a lot of power. You just haven't seen him use it."

"Yeah, if he did have as much power as you said Origin Steve would have been defeated in a matter of seconds." Nightmare rolled his eyes. Void growls and I turn into Void Steve's form.

"Did you want to see him or not?" I asked making quotation marks with my hands. Void nods and I guide him through the forest. It didn't take us as long because the storm was finally gone. I walked to one of the house with Void following close behind me. I looked inside the house through a window to Galaxy and Illusion.

"Both asleep." Void said. I know what he was tempted to do, but I grabbed his hand.

"Not now, their guard is up and it wouldn't work. You have to wait for a pause." I tell him. Void looks at me in the eyes.

"I know that much, I'm not and idiot." He says and starts to walk away from the town. I followed him and shifted back to what I really look like.

My black top hat, my swirled grey and black face. My dark trench coat and jeans with boots chained around my legs. I hid the chains around my arms and chest from my clothes. Nothing they need to worry about it, I've had these changes ever since I left the catacombs. The only chains that have broke were the chains that were holding me back.

"You are leaving now right? Why don't you join us if you have the same motives as us?" Void asked curiously. I shook my head. I can't speak in the form. I prefer to be asked questions when I am like this since I can't answer them.

"If you ever wish to join us you can, but your have to follow our rules. Got it?" Void looks at me. I just nod I could hear my chains chatter from my simple movements. Void starts to make his way back to the cave. I start to go my own way.

"Goodbye Faceless."
(Words 1155) Welp here is today's chapter! I wanted to give a quicker shoutout to someone before anything I else though. IDrawzStuff they have this amazing story that I would suggest reading! It's soo good and definitely worth your time to read. It's called "Reincarnation" go check it out!

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