The Consumer

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In old Aboriginal folklore there were stories of a great crocodile who seasonally rose from the ocean and laid waste to the surrounding outback. His name was Caimecus, or The Consumer, and was wrote off as a god of destruction. People feared him, and tried their best into provoking other Titans to battle him. This worked, to some extent. However, Caimecus always beat them into submission. He would come out victorious in every battle, and often brutally kill his opponents. Ripping off their head, mangling their limbs or straight up dragging them into water and drowning them.. The crocodilian never had mercy. If something was to attack him, it was going down...

And that brings us to present day. 

Caimecus is still alive and is in fact at his prime. Monarch have only recently been informed of his existence, bringing the number of active Titans up to 26. Since 2019, several new Titans have been discovered. Nozuki, Ahmuluk, Camazotz, and many many more.

And out of all of them most Monarch operatives agree that this croc is the strongest. He isn't bothered by Alpha status, as are other Titans, and it's not too long before he challenges Godzilla himself. Caimecus does what he needs to do and picks fights with who he wants. Nobody's there to tell him what to do. Then again, I don't see who's going to try and bicker with a 200 metre long crocodile.

Out of all of the fights he's been in there's only evidence of him losing a handful; around ten or so. But these losses never really phase him. Caimecus is covered in blast-proof osteoderms and has a bite capable of easily crushing bone... Not to mention his extreme agility in water and also burrowing capabilities, as well as an acute sense of smell.. So he's always gonna get back up. Although, to be fair, there have been some battles even he cannot win. For example the ancient lava golem Ronghua has been in constant conflict with Caimecus ever since the two Titans met several thousand years ago. The battles between them were brutal, although Caimecus was mostly the one being injured, sustaining scorching burns all across his body and being sliced by the magma giant's blade-like hands. Ronghua was one of the only opponents he had yet to beat..

Superspecies Profile

Name: Caimecus

Alias: The Consumer

Species: Megadylosuchus Porosus 

Age: Several million years

Height: 50m (approx.)

Length: 230m (approx.)

Weight: 80,000 tons

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