Chapter 44

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Hold Me Like It's The Last Time

Listening to loud music blasting in her earphones, Min stood outside of the campus waiting for Hana. Her mind occasionally wandered elsewhere when love songs popped up and she thought of Jimin but she ignored it as she nervously picked on the single seam that poked out from her dark brown turtle neck.
A huge gust of wind suddenly blew as she put her hands on her arms and started rubbing them, looking around for Hana and hoping for her to appear soon. Just as she was looking around, she felt someone put a brown jacket over her. Looking behind her, she saw Jimin smiling softly at her. Her heart immediately flipped as her stomach felt queasy for the first time in forever.

"How have you been?"

Jimin asked with a small smile as Min tried to keep a straight face. She felt the familiar feeling of coldness as she took off the brown jacket and handed it back to him.

"Go away. Don't pretend like nothing happened,"

Min spat as she refused to look at him. She felt that overwhelming urge to cry creep up as she tried to suppress it once again.

"Look, Min, I grew close to you not because of your body, you know that!"

"I honestly don't know you anymore,"

Min muttered with a quivering voice as she looked down at her umber ankle boots.

"I never grew close to you for a bad reason, I promise!"

"Is that so? Then, tell me what was your initial motive,"

Min demanded as she turned to face Jimin for the first time. He opened his mouth to say something but hesitated. Min felt her heart sink as the lump in her throat resurfaced.

"I see,"

She mumbled, looking away and suppressing her tears.

"Honestly, why do I even expect anything from you? Since when has anyone ever not disappoint me? You're just like every person in my life. To think that I actually liked you I-"

Min rambled, laughing sarcastically as she put her hands in her pockets. She stuck her tongue against her inner cheek as she let out a scoff. Jimin stood behind her and stayed silent as he felt a horrible and heavy feeling in his heart. Then, from behind, he hugged her.

Tightly. As tight as he could. As tight as she meant to him.

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