Ch3 Hand holding

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3rd person p.o.v

Tabi smiled at agoti, and hugged him. To which agoti instantly hugged back, neither said a word, but they both felt happy and comfortable with themselves a bit more than they did this morning.

-timeskip to the evening-

"Cmon duuuude-  I wanna watch a movie" agoti whined, tabi, who was tired just shrugged, and switched on the TV, a movie already playing.

Agoti hopped on the couch next to tabi, they were both very close, their legs were touching but neither moved, agoti sat back and placed his hands in his lap trying to make sense of the movie.

Meanwhile tabi was a blushing mess, he was glad the lights were off so agoti couldn't see him blushing, sure, he and agoti were close, but after what happened he felt more nervous around agoti. 'What if he likes me back? I should try and do something, maybe...'

Tabi moved his hand and placed it on agoti's leg, agoti was taken aback, but didnt do anything about it.

So tabi moved his hand slowly, until it was now next to agoti's hand. Agoti, realising just what tabi was doing moved his hand slightly, so they were now touching. Tabi blushed more, and slowly interlocked his fingers with agoti's.

Neither one said anything, they just continued watching the movie, until after a while, agoti got daring, and removed his hand from where it was, earning a quiet, but audible sigh from tabi, he casually yawned, and placed his arm round tabi, pulling him closer.

Tabi was a blushing mess by now, he was now resting on agoti's shoulder, and had agoti's arm around him. He looked up at agoti, who surprisingly, was looking straight back at him, they both smiled at each other before tabi decided to go for it, he moved in closer to agoti, agoti blushed and realised what his friend was doing, he moved his head in closer too, so their noses were now touching, tabi closed his eyes and leaned in further when

The power went out, and suddenly it all went black.

Agoti jumped up and let out a cry, not liking the fact he couldn't see, tabi adjusted himself, annoyed that the moment was now ruined. He got up scowling, and made his way slowly to the kitchen, where he managed to find a torch.

"Agh- dude dont shine it in my eyes!" Agoti hissed
"Uh- oh, sorry man, didnt realise you were there" tabi stammered, he moved the torch to the door, and looked for the power box, trying to fix the lights.

Luckily, he did, and the lights came back on, he looked over at agoti, who was yawning. "I think I'm gonna head of to bed tabi, thanks for fixing the lights though" he said smiling

"Oh..okay- goodnight"

More than friends? (Tabi x Agoti) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now