3rd person p.o.v
It's been a few days since the blackout movie episode, neither agoti or tabi have spoken about it. But the friendship between the two has improved.
Agoti is more comforting with tabi, giving him random hugs out of nowhere, and tabi is more vocal, giving agoti more compliments.
But neither of them could figure out how to confess, it seemed to annoy tabi the most, he wanted to tell agoti but he just couldn't, everytime he wanted to, a million thoughts why not to came in his head.
So with it being 11.30pm in the evening, agoti was playing minecraft and tabi was in the kitchen, watching curiously. Agoti was very good at minecraft, he tried getting tabi to play, but he couldn't understand how it worked.
Tabi sighed impatiently, grabbing a bottle of vodka. He doesn't usually drink when agoti is around, considering he's not of legal age, but right now tabi felt frustrated and just wanted that to go away.
So he started drinking the vodka, straight of course, he didn't even poor a cupfull, he just kept swigging the whole thing.
Agoti, who was very engrossed in playing his game didnt notice his friend drinking his problems away, he continued playing, until tabi that is, came stumbling over, and plopped himself next to agoti.
"Hey man- wait what the fuck dude?! Are you drunk?"
"Whaaat? Me? Drunk? Nooooo" tabi slurred, agoti noticed the half drank bottle of vodka in tabi's hand. Tabi just smiled and drank another mouthful."Dude, I think you've had enough" agoti said, slightly took off guard as he'd never seen tabi drink, or get drunk. Agoti tried taking the bottle but tabi moved his hand so agoti couldn't quite reach.
"Youuuu cant drink this, your nooot leeeegal" tabi said, poking agoti on the cheek. "Dude, you smell horrible, and your slurring your words, please stop drinking that now, you'll be sick" agoti once again tried to grab the bottle, this time resulting in tabi dropping the bottle, and pulling agoti on top of him.
Lucky agoti and tabi's apartment had hardware floors, so the alcohol didnt stain, but agoti was very flustered with the position he was in, he instantly moved off. Causing tabi to groan sadly.
"Why are you moooving, pretty boooyyy" tabi said looking up at the very flustered agoti. He decided to tackle him, so now tabi was on top of agoti.
"The hell dude?! Get off-" agoti was cut off because tabi put a finger to his lips, agoti didn't know what to do, I mean sure he wanted this, but tabi was really drunk, he didn't want to do anything unless he knew his friend was actually aware of what he was doing
Tabi smirked, looking down at agoti who was trying to avoid eye contact "cmon dude, you know you want thisss" he brought his head closer to agoti's. "L-look dude I never said I didn't! B-but not when your drunk, p-please" agoti pleaded.
"You know I've had such a massive crush on you agoti, but silly old me, never had the guts to tell you, but you know now haha" tabi said, looking into agoti's widened eyes "i- I didnt know you felt that way, I'm sorry but we cant do anything, as much as I like you too, your drunk. So please get off me and I'll put you to bed" tabi sighed, dramatically rolling his eyes before rolling off, and faceplanting the floor.
"Ow" agoti rushed up and picked up his drunken friend, carrying him bridal style to their room.
Recently, due to renovation in the apartment building they lived in, their two bedroom became a one, so now tabi and agoti share a room, and share a bed.
Agoti placed tabi down gently and went to leave the room but before he could he heard:
"Cant you stay with me? I want to hold you" agoti thought for a minute 'it would only be a cuddle, that's not wrong right? Just dont let it escalate' he sighed and got into bed, allowing tabi to cuddle him, he nestled his goat like skull into agoti's neck, mumbling "I love you agoti" before falling asleep.Agoti wasn't sure if tabi was being genuine or not, he was drunk after all, but still he replied
"I love you too tabi"

More than friends? (Tabi x Agoti) FINISHED
FanfictionThis story is finished After getting out of the void, agoti meets tabi, they soon become the dearest of friends and move in together, but will they become more than friends?? this story MAY contain NSFW if I feel the need to add it. My first time tr...