Chapter 13 - You Guys Reek

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Chapter 13

A/N: hey guys sorry that's been a day and sorry if this sucks. I have an ear infection and was giving an antibiotic i was allergic to and got very sick (throwing up) so yeah. Im feeling better though, since i threw up the antibiotic. this happened last night but im honestly not super nauseous and i love writing and im bored since i cant go to the gym or anything. anyways...on with the story! thanks. enjoy.

Kankuro's pov

"Good morning stinky."

I groaned and rolled over at the sound of Kiba's voice. When I opened my eyes I saw Kiba was standing at the end of his bed, petting Akamaru, but he looked at me when I groaned. I smelled my pits. "I don't stink. I showered last night."

    "I was talking to Akamaru."

    "Oh well....I'm awake now so, good morning."

    Kiba walked to the front of the bed. "Good morning, beautiful." He planted a kiss on my nose.

    "I've probably got major bed head."

    "Yeah your hair is a mess. I laid some clothes out for you. You can wear them today."

    "I'll just throw on my dirty clothes and wear them to walk back to my apartment." I rubbed my eyes, yawning. That was the best sleep I had had in a while. I was knocked out from swimming all day and being anxious around Kiba's mom, then I fell asleep with Kiba hugging me. It was amazing. I want to live like this forever.

    But I knew I couldn't. In six days I would have to go back to the sand village and who knows when I'll see Kiba after that.

    "Oh," Kiba said, looking down. He was dressed in grey pants and a mess shirt. "I thought maybe we could go to the hot springs or something today, since you said you hit the pool but still wanted to go to the bath house."

    "Oh! Yeah!" I felt my face heat up. I thought Kiba would be sick of me by now. I intruded into his house and stayed through some silly storm. I had no idea he would want to be with me any longer. "Um, so you still want to hang out today?"

    "Of course!" Kiba smiled. "Didn't I tell you last night, stupid. I like you. You're only gonna be here a week and I would be happy to spend it together...if you would want to as well. I don't want to make your trip all about me."   

    "Kiba," I stood up, getting out of bed and grabbed his hands. "I would love to spend this time with you."


    "But still, I'd like to stop by my apartment so I can get clean clothes. I like to wear the puppeteer symbol and black clothes in case we have a battle. Also I just like to show off my pride of being a puppeteer."

    "Alright, but we've gotta get breakfast first. I'll go cook something up while you get ready, what do you want?"

    "I'll eat anything you make."

    "Alright." Kiba walked out of the room, but Akamaru stayed. I don't think I had ever been alone with Akamaru. He must not tail Kiba as much since he was at home and he just woke up.

    As soon as the door closed, I rubbed my eyes again but when I opened them, Akamaru was right in front of me. "Oh hi buddy," I said timidly. He was huge and his fangs were right there. Being bitten by Kiba a couple years ago hurt. I can't imagine being bitten by either of them now.

    Akamru yipped, knocked me down, and started licking my face. I laughed in surprise but his breath smelled really bad, so the laugh was cut short. "That kid is right, you stink. Get off of me." I pushed him gently and stood up, wiping my face with the bottom of the t shirt I was wearing. "Gross," I scoffed. I looked at Akamaru and he looked sad. "Oh yeah, you can understand me." I awkwardly pet him. "Sorry bud."

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