Chapter 3

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Bendy's POV

It has been a week since that talk with Sammy, he started to be near me more, I guess it's nice to have him bothering me again. I continue walking down the halls until Sammy shows up, his mask has a crack going down the middle but it still works. I stood there for awhile looking at him, I had caught a look at one of his eyes through the crack, it was glowing, a beautiful white, kinda reminds me of a Christmas light.

"My Lord are you okay, you been staring at me for a while now" I snapped out of my daze,"sorry Sammy, what happened to your mask". Still his mask was something important to him, there's one loop that I remember better than the rest, the first loop, I had killed Sammy and the cardboard cutout in the mic room had broken in half when he fell. I was able to gain control and had put the head from the cutout into the ink before he disappeared. He then appeared in the next loop wearing it as a mask.

"I accidentally scared Henry when I popped out of a wall saying hi, and he punched it, I'm okay though", I looked at his mask, I slowly walked up to him and placed my hand on his mask, ink started to flow onto his mask, his mask mending together. Sammy stood there and I could tell he was happy to have it fixed, "My Lord thank you so much, I owe you big time for this".

"You don't owe me anything Sam, just as long as you're happy I'm happy", I guess he was blushing after I said that because he was dead silent and awkward. I looked at Sammy, he would look better without his mask... We were walking and he was ahead of me, I slowly walked up to him when he stopped at his office. I pulled him closer and had my one arm around his waist, and I pulled away his mask a little, "you know, you would look so much better without your mask, Sam Sam", I pulled it away enough for me to see his mouth slightly ajar and I knew he didn't know what to do, his head was tilted to the side like he was trying to get the feeling of his mask back on his face.

"Can I take your mask off Sammy", I had to be careful, I didn't want to put him in an awkward situation and make him uncomfortable. Why am I doing this, all because I saw his eye, it was beautiful though, I haven't seen his face since the first loop, "Yes-yes m-my Lord".

He said yes, I slowly took it off him and turned him around, I froze.

H-he... Was beautiful, his eyes were glowing white just like the snow, and his his whole face just like his body was covered in ink, and his hair was there, but it was ink covered and seemed to be bouncy just like a cartoon characters hair on screen.

He had no pupils but I somehow managed to tell he was staring at me from how his eyes moved just like a cartoons did, without the pie cut in them, they were big eyes, not human like, big circle square like. I couldn't look away from him, I hear everything in this studio, including how my prophet would tell himself he was ugly, but... How could he think such things about himself... He was beautiful and cute.

I was staring and then he tried to cover his face, I grabbed his arms, "why do you always call yourself ugly, your beautiful, the most beautiful prophet I could have in this whole studio", I could see his face heat up and his ink start to drip at his cheeks from the blushing.

"Can I have my mask back, My Lord"

I looked at him and back at the mask, I handed it back to him. "I really do mean what I said, you're not ugly", he seemed to smile a bit as he heard my words, I really hope he takes his mask off once in a while, he really is cute. I walked into Sammy's office with him. I saw his banjo and handed it to him, "it's been a while Sammy, why don't you play me something". At that I saw Sammy's face light up, quite literally, his eyes shined through the dark holes in the mask as his mouth formed a smile, he sat down and then I grabbed him and sat him on my lap. He seem nervous at first but then started to sing while playing the banjo, I would be lying if I said it didn't amaze me that he could still play beautifully after all these years with only four fingers.

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