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Harry's P.O.V. Charlie 11, Sophia 2

"Hey baby," I catch Em's attention after I've come inside with today's mail. I already knew about this announcement, but we just received the official one.

I hand Em the card, "What's this?"

"Just open it," I try to hold back my smile but it's too difficult. I'm really happy about this, and I can't wait for her reaction.

"Stop! This is for real?" Em gasps loudly after reading the card once.

"Mhm," I nod and step behind her a little to get a good look at the photos.

Our little addition to the Harry Styles band, expected October 2032.

Sarah & Mitch Rowland.

There are two photos, the first is a sonogram and in the other Mitch is stood behind Sarah as he holds a tiny inflatable guitar in front of her stomach.

"Oh, I'm so happy for them!" Em says after laughing at the photo.

"I am too. They've been trying for a while," I tell her.

"Did you know about this?" Em looks at me shocked.

"Maybe..." I smirk.

"Harry! I can't believe you didn't tell me!" She playfully hits my chest, but I catch her fist and hold it against me.

"They made me swear not to tell you, it's not my fault," I explain, and she furrows her brows in a cute way.

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes, "I'm excited to hold a baby again, I miss babies."

"I mean... we could make another one?" I suggest. I've been trying to drop hints that I want another child, but either Em hasn't caught on or she's been ignoring them. I've even snuck onto her computer to search for baby things in hopes that she'll start getting ads for cribs or baby food to spark a conversation.

"Hm, I like the sound of that," she winks, obviously missing the point.

"Emmy, I'm serious."

"You want another kid?" Em looks shocked, which doesn't give me a good feeling.

"Yeah, do you not? I always pictured us with three kids."

"Charlie would be twelve... can we handle a tween and a toddler and a baby?" Em concerns.

"Of course, we can. Plus, I already have to postpone tour for Harry Jr. It's perfect timing, if you think about it."

"Wait a second, did you just call Mitch and Sarah's baby, Harry Junior!"

"Um, yeah I did," I laugh, "It's just a joke we have, since I'm kind of the reason this kid is alive."

"You, dork. If anyone's kid is named Harry Junior, it's ours," she says.

"You'd name our child after me?"

"No, and that's not the point."

"What's wrong with it? Do you not like my name?"


"Or would you just be jealous and want a fourth child to name after yourself?"

"Shut the fuck up. Are we making a baby tonight or what?"

"Yes, ma'am."


4 months later...

"Honestly, I've just started taking the tests without him. It's too disappointing," I tell Annie as we discuss Harry and I's plans to have another baby. Originally, Harry and I weren't going to tell anyone, but we've been having trouble getting pregnant this time around and I needed to confide in someone besides my husband.

Charlie Robin Styles [Addition to We're Having Our Baby]Where stories live. Discover now