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Harry's P.O.V. Charlie  15,  Sophia 6, Avery 2

"You should take Charlie out driving today. We've both been so busy lately and she hasn't been able to use her permit yet," Em says to me as we work together to put away groceries.

Soph and Avery are having a playdate with Mitch and Sarah's kids and Charlie has been doing homework all morning.

"Are you sure you don't want to take her?" I ask Em.

"Can you imagine me teaching Charlie how to drive? I'd be a nervous wreck, plus if you haven't noticed, she hasn't been talking to me lately," Em explains.

"I was joking, I knew you'd be too anxious to tell her what to do, but why isn't she talking to you? Did something happen?"

I was gone for a week in New York auditioning for a movie and I must have missed something big because Charlie and Em almost never argue.

Em sighs, closing the refrigerator door, "Apparently the seniors in her jazz band pull a prank on the director every year and she was invited to participate. I asked what they were planning, and she said she didn't know, but I could tell that she was lying. I don't want her to get in trouble in case this is a dangerous or inappropriate prank so I told her that if she doesn't tell me what the prank is, she can't go."

"That seems fair," I say.

"Well, she didn't like that idea. She yelled at me for not allowing her to have fun 'like normal teenagers' do. I tried to explain that it's for her own good and all she has to do is tell me what her plans are. She said I'm controlling and holding her back from making friends with people in the band, which then turned into an argument about how I worry too much about protecting her from your spotlight."

"Oh. Charlie said all of that?" I ask, very surprised at the attitude Charlie seems to be displaying recently. I thought Charlie was feeling better about this whole "spotlight" thing.

"Yeah, I was shocked too."

"I'll take her driving and then talk to her about it afterwards. I wish you would have told me, love so you didn't have to deal with it alone," I tell her.

"You were busy, and I honestly forgot about the argument. I've just gotten used to her silent treatment," Em tells me.

"I'm sorry darling. There's no excuse for how she talked to you but I'm sure there's a reason for her behavior."

With that, I jog up the stairs to Charlie's room where she's still doing homework at her desk. Before I even enter the room, she speaks to me, but without looking at me.

"I heard you and mum talking about me," she says in a disappointed tone.

I honestly don't know how to react to this sudden change in behavior. Charlie has always been very kind and since the beginning of the school year, we haven't been having the typical teenager attitude problems anymore. Although, I'm very afraid that will change once she has a license.

"She told me you two had an argument while I was gone and now, you're not speaking to her," I tread lightly.

"Correct," she says matter-of-factly, and I sigh.

"I didn't come up here to lecture you, Bean," I try to lighten the mood, "I wanted to know if you're up to start driving today."

"Like, right now?" she finally looks at me with raised brows.

"Yeah, if you want."

"Okay, let's go," Charlie says, closing her laptop and practically running out the door.

Charlie Robin Styles [Addition to We're Having Our Baby]Where stories live. Discover now