Chapter 21 - Jasper

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I walk out of the shower and find her getting up, "Hey need something?" I put the towel away and go to her

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I walk out of the shower and find her getting up, "Hey need something?" I put the towel away and go to her.

She smiles, "I'm fine. Ah periods suck." She holds her abdomen and sighs.

"Does it still ache?" I ask caressing her cheek, she melts into my touch which makes me smile.

"No, I'm fine. I need a shower." She says and I nod.

"Want me to bath you?" I ask and her eyes widen.

"No! I'm bleeding down there." She exclaims.

I blink, "I didn't mean it like that, what do you take me for?"

"It's disgusting. Don't you feel uncomfortable?" She raises her shoulders and I narrow my eyes at her.

"I don't. You are nothing close to disgusting." I say and her body relaxes. "So should I?"

She shakes her head, "I'll be fine." She kisses my cheek before walking into the bathroom.

I pick my phone and do a quick search about her periods. Heavens it looks horrible, does it always hurt that bad?

I go through all the ways to make it comfortable and less painful. The door opens, I give her some space and concentrate on the things I should get her.

I glance up at get and find her getting dressed. "What are you doing?" I turn off my phone.

She buttons her shirt and smiles at me, "Getting ready for the day?"

"Shouldn't you be resting? I read it goes on for five to seven days." I can't help but be concerned.

She laughs and comes to me, I pull her over my lap. I don't even want her standing for long, "You worry unnecessarily." She runs her hands through my wet hairs. I'm wearing sweatpants and tshirt.

"It's necessary darling, your body needs rest." I run my hands over her curves. "I'll take care of work for you."

"Nah, I need to see that for myself. You seem to always forget that the queen got more responsibilities than the king." She teases which makes me smile.

I caresses her face, she leans forward and kisses me. I softly kiss her back, "Will you really be fine?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes husband." Her smile doesn't reach her eyes, I hold the side of her face and give her a comforting kiss. She smiles and gets off of me, "Are you not going get ready?"

I stand and move to my closet, I strip out of my clothes and put on a suit. I have to entertain Aunt Catherine for a month, just thinking about it makes me sigh.

I button the cufflinks, "You look hot." I look up at my queen. She's leaning on the closet door, biting her lower lip while watching me.

"Glad you like the show." I smirk and walk to her, I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. It's nice that she started wearing pants. "We have to spend the day with Aunt Catherine and Eleanor." I hold her but cheeks firmly.

Her smile widens, "Does that mean you'll be with me the whole day?" She asks which makes me chuckle. Is that all she heard?

"Most of it." I say, she beams like a kid and hugs my neck. It has me saying, "Like me that much?"

"Very much husband." She kisses my neck. I push her back to the wall slightly, she looks up and kisses me.

I kiss her back as softly as possible, her soft body molds to my touch. I move my hand over her abdomen and massage it. "Tell me if it starts cramping later. You need to rest." I say, she nods.

I put her down carefully, she straightens my tie before walking out. I follow her downstairs to the dining room, everyone's already there probably waiting for us.

"Good morning dear nephew." Aunt stands, I air kiss her cheeks returning her greeting. Then do the same with my cousin Eleanor, "Is that how you dress regularly?" Aunt asks looking at the pants Samantha is wearing, she nods.

"It's comfortable." My queen says, Aunt narrows her eyes.

"It's unpleasant to the eyes." Aunt counters then looks at me, "How can you let her dress like that? The Duke sure has spoilt her."

"I don't care what my queen wears. I like everything she puts on." I give my queen a reassuring smile.

Aunt rolls her eyes, the others in the table seem like their chairs are on fire. "You left unannounced last night." Aunt surprisingly changes the subject.

Samantha seems a little uncomfortable so I reach out for her hand and give it an assuring squeeze, "I suddenly felt unwell and my queen had to take care of me." I say.

"Oh, are you feeling better now?"

I nod, the breakfast is served. Samantha keeps poking her food rather than actually eating.

The breakfast is quiter than usual, Aunt Catherine doesn't like to talk while eating so we follow her rule.

Justin and Jacob disperse like rabbits after breakfast not wanting to spend another minute with their beloved aunt.

"How about you wear something pleasant for the day?" Aunt tells Samantha. It has me fisting my palm.

"There is no-" My queen wraps an arm around me and shakes her head at me.

"I'll go change." She tells Aunt, "I don't want drama." She whispers to me then walks upstairs.

Anger bubbles through me, "I don't like you telling my wife what to wear." I tell Aunt when Samantha is out of view.

Lines form on her forehead, "She's the queen and that's not the way a queen dresses Jasper." She says, I'm about to say something when I catch Eleanor pleading me to stop with her eyes.

I take a deep breath in and out, I stare straight into Aunt's eyes. The familiar blues look confused. "You won't talk to the queen like that again." I order. Aunt blinks, I walk past her before she counters some more senseless things.

We are going to visit our deceased family today, the cars are prepared. Jacob and Justin visiblely drag each other out. Samantha walks out in a marron pencil dress looking like a queen she is. A smile pulls on my lips, she's wearing her tiara. She gives Aunt a smile that is so innocent I want to laugh, Aunt looks surprised.

"Is this pleasant to your eyes? Aunt Catherine." She asks intimidatingly

Aunt stammers, blood rushing to her head as she turns red. "Y-yeah."

Samantha walks to me and smiles at me victoriously, I want to kiss those lips to appreciate her. I'm about to get in to the car with my queen when Aunt interrupts, "Us ladies will ride together. You men come in the other car." She says.

I look at Samantha, she mouths me that it's fine so I let it go and go with the flow. I get in the SUV with my brothers.

"Is she going to be alright?" Justin looks worried.

I nod, "She can handle them." I say with a little more confidence after seeing the way she dressed up and left Aunt speechless.

"I can't wait for them to leave." Jacob throws his head back, I pat his thigh.

"Just one month."


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