Chapter 24 -Samantha

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I walk into my office with Aaron, "Lady Alice will be here in an hour

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I walk into my office with Aaron, "Lady Alice will be here in an hour." He says which makes me smile.

"You are my bodyguard not assistant Sir Aaron." I sit.

He nods, "His majesty told me to help you out till you choose a lady in waiting."

He did? It makes me smile.

"No worries, my assistant will be here in an hour anyway. I can handle till then."

He nods, "I'll be by the door." He says and open the door to walk out, Butler Hampton looks like he's about the knock.

He's startled, "Good morning my queen." He bows.

"Good morning." I smile, I notice a maid behind him.

"I didn't ask for anything." I say narrowing my eyes.

"His majesty ordered me to get you this." He says and signals the maid to place the tray on the coffee table.

I move to the couch. I eye it suspiciously then pick it and take a sniff, smells decent. Like herbs. "What is this?" I ask.

"Herbal tea, it's good for menstrual cramps." He informs, my eyebrows raise in surprise.

Jasper is being really thoughtful. I take a sip, the bitter-tangy taste invades my taste buds making me want to spit it right back but I swallow.

My phone buzzes and I pull out to see Jasper calling. I dismiss them before answering the call.


"Did you drink the tea?"

I place the cup on the table, "It's really bad. I can't drink it."

"It'll help with the cramps."

"But it's too bitter. And tangy. And something." I shudder at the after taste.

I hear him sigh, "Where are you right now?"

"In my office."

"I'll be there in a minute." He hangs up.

Is he coming to force feed me? I quickly stand and grab the tray, I need to get rid of this. I shuffle around trying to put it somewhere but nowhere seems right.

The door opens and I freeze while trying to throw the tray out of the window.

He looks at me, then the tray, then me again. "What are you doing?" He shuts the door in slow motion.

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