Chapter 22 - Jasper

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Samantha walks to me as soon as I get off the car, I scan her face but she smiles

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Samantha walks to me as soon as I get off the car, I scan her face but she smiles. "How are you feeling?" I ask, she shrugs looking at the historic building where one day we will be buried as well.

"I need words darling." I say, she doesn't look at me.

"I'm good." Her voice betrays her, I hold her chin and make her look at me. It's not anything physical but something Aunt must have said.

"What's wrong?" I ask dead serious, her eyes narrow due to the sunlight. I pull off my shades and place it on her face. "Tell me darling." I hold her face in my hands.

Her chin trembles, she hugs my waist and moves closer. I let her hug me, "Did Aunt say anything?" I ask and she nods, "What did she say?" My voice comes deeper.

She pulls back and looks at everyone around us, Justin and Jacob look worried while Eleanor looks guilty and Aunt impatient.

"I'll tell you later." Samantha looks at me, I remember her earlier words. I don't want drama. I nods letting it pass, but only for now.

I place my hand on the small of her back, we enter first and everyone follows. The place is still as I remember, white marble everywhere and portraits of every deceased royal with their names.

"I hope there are no ghosts." Samantha says to Jacob and Justin who are close behind us. They chuckle, the tension in my shoulders release.

"They look so pretty you won't even realize they are ghosts until you see their tomb." I say, her eyes go wide.

"You are kidding." She says almost buying my lie.

"Of course he is." Jacob looks a bit panicked as well. I stop my lips from pulling up.

"Mom said she once saw great-great grandma's ghost was very real. Mom thought she was alive until mom came across her tomb." I say.

"Oh God no!" Samantha looks around. "Nothing scares me more than people coming back from dead." She wraps an arm around me.

"Stay close then. They won't approach a group." I say, she quickly nods and so does Jacob as he holds Justin who looks confused.

We spend the day paying or respect to all the portraits while Aunt goes on about the people she knew before they died.

Samantha stopped by a tomb, I knew it was her mother's. I rub her back as a tear left her eye, "I wish I met her." She whispers which make my heart clench.

I place a kiss on her head, "She would have loved you." I say and she nods. She kneels down and kisses the white marble tomb.

"I love you mamá." She says, I walk to the others giving her space to talk to her mother.

"That ghost thing was not true was it?" Justin asks unsure, my lips pull and I wink at him. "I knew it!" He runs a hand in his hairs. "I almost bought it brother." He sighs making me grin.

"But you never know." I pat his shoulder, he rolls his eyes at me.

"Why would you leave me alone!" Jacob strides to us. His eyes search around, "Where's sister-in-law?" He asks.

"Talking to her mother."

"Alone?" Jacob's eyes widen as I nod. "I'm going to get her!" He runs the other direction, I smile at his care for my queen.

Aunt Catherine is lecturing Eleanor about something and she seems to be on the verge of rolling her eyes.

"Eleanor would you join me for a walk?" I call across the room. Eleanor looks surprised but relieved.

"Sure." She walks to me and we walk to the other room that has the trophies and medal.

"What happened during the ride?" I ask turning to look at her, she tenses and looks at the ground. "What made my queen sad?" I push my hands into my pant pockets.

"Mom asked her about pregnancy."

I narrow my eyes, "Just that?"

Eleanor shakes her head, "Mom mentioned how the late Duchess died and the late late Duchess died. They have a history of dying while child birth. She referred to it as a curse and-" She gulps.

"And what?"

She shuts her eyes, "And mentioned she find you a second wife before it's too late."

"What!" I exclaim finding it totally ridiculous.

"I know it sounds stupid, please let it go." She grabs my arm pleading me. "She just doesn't have any filter."

"But she crossed a line Eleanor." I say but she pleads with her eyes. It catches my eye and I raise my thumb to wipe off the makeup under her eyes, it doesn't come off but I can see the purple circle around it. She quickly pulls back and covers her eye.

"Who did that Eleanor?" I ask authoritatively.

"It's nothing." She tries to run away but I grab her arm. "Jasper don't." A tear leaves her eye and she quickly wipes it.

"Talk to me Eleanor, you are my sister and won't let anyone get away after hurting you." I tell her nicely, her teary eyes meet mine. She thinks for a minute then hugs my chest and sobs, I pat her head trying to calm her.

"Tell me who did this." I clench my jaw, she fists my shirt and shakes her head. "I'll protect you Eleanor, I won't let anything happen." I promise.

"S- Shaun." Her voice comes small.

"Shaun Wilson?"

Her eyes widen as she looks up at me, "How do you know him?" Her voice is trembling.

"Aunt mentioned your engagement to him soon."

"No! I don't want to get married to him!" Her body shakes as she holds on my shirt tightly. "Please, he'll kill me!" She cries.

"He was the one that hit you?" I hold her chin to take a look at her eye. She nods.

"He thought I was flirting with his bodyguard who helped me when my heel broke. I tried to argue so he hit me."

I clench my fist, "Does Aunt know?"

"She said it was a mistake and he won't do it again." She looks down. I pat her head.

"It's not a mistake Eleanor, he hit you when he was in his right state of mind. It's not your fault. I'll take care of it." I say.

She hugs me one last time and pulls back, "Thank you so much." She says and I smile.

"You better get along well with my queen. And keep me notified about anything Aunt tells her."

She smiles, "We have a deal then brother."


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