Chapter 5

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Shoutout to pretzel135 for being the first one to vote for all of my previous chapters. Ty!

warnings: swearing.
mentions of depression.

Not proof read so sry if there are mistakes! I will look over it soon.

Harry stood aimlessly on top of the astomomy tower. It was the dead of night, the only sounds that could be heard was the odd bird singing in the distance. The light breeze combed through his hair, ruffling it slightly casuing it to be messier than usual. His arms were folded on the rail as he hunched over it, and his leg folded around the other at the ankle. Harry liked coming up here sometimes, to clear his clouded mind from confusing thoughts. Usually at night so no one would disturb him. He had a lot of things churning in his brain, but only one in particular was stubborn and refused to leave. That went by the name of Draco Malfoy.

Harry couldn't exactly tell you why he couldn't stop thinking of the blonde, he just didn't know. He's interesting I guess, mysterious in a way, funny, smart, charming. The list could go on. But that wouldn't explain why he was a constant itch in Harry's brain he couldn't scratch.

Over the time he has been getting to know Draco, he's found him to be a great friend which is something he never thought he would say a couple of years ago. But so? Ron's a great friend and it's not like he can't stop thinking about him...? So what was so special about Draco? He couldn't wrap his head around it. I mean, he used to have a crush on him, not that anyone knew that. But that went away... Right?

'Ok Harry, think of something else. I got attacked by spiders last week. That was terrifying but it was better with Draco there. Crap! Ok I got hit by the cruciatus curse...again, and then Draco protected me, that was sweet. Damn it!' Harry sighed in defeat and hung his head to look at the ground over 160 feet below him.

"Something troubling you?" Harry jumped and spun around to stare into the eyes of the person he was trying ot keep his mind off the most. 'Of course'. "I saw you come up here." The blonde contined.

"You followed me? That's kinda creepy." Harry replied with a smirk to show Draco that he was joking.

"I was curious to where you were going off to. Especially considering it's the middle of the night. When I saw you coming up here, I was worried you were planning to jump or something." He replied with a snort. Harry raised his eyebrows and let a small chuckle leave his lips.

"So you were worried about me? How sweet of you." He joked. "But I'm fine so you can untwist your knickers and go back to bed."

Draco let out a loud laugh at Harry's response and casually walked over to stand next to him. Staring out at the prepossessing view. In the corner of his eye, Harry could make out that Draco was wearing some loose, light grey sweatpants accompanied with a white t-shirt that did a good job a flexing his biceps. Harry was wearing something simular as he wore black sweatpants with a grey long-sleaved t-shirt.

Silence hung over the two of them for a while, the odd sigh invading the silence as they stared into the blissful night.

"So..." Draco started. "Why are you out here?" Harry sighed in response as he moved his hand to rake it through his hair.

"I just....need to think sometimes. And it's just easier alone, outside, in the middle of the night." He finished with a shrug of his shoulders. Neither of them looked at each other, they didn't need to.

"Right. I get that. Do you want me to leave?"

"No, no it's fine. You can stay. Unless you wanna leave...?"

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