Chapter 1

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This is my second attempt at a Drarry fanfic bc the other one blew up in my face and completely failed, but I assure u, I actually know what I'm doing this time so hopefully u will enjoy.


3rd person:

Harry, Ron and Hermione were lounging in Ron's bedroom in the busy Weasley household, discussing the year they were going to endure in the next few weeks.

"Do you think we'll still be in Gryffindor?" Ron asked, taking a bite out of his pumpkin pasty.

"I don't know. We could be. I for one would probably like a change of scene. Maybe Ravenclaw?" Hermione replied.

"You don't want to come back to Gryffindor?" Harry asked, tearing his eyes away from the ball of fire floating in mid-air, warming them up from the icy breeze outside.

"I honestly don't mind where I go, as long as it's not in Slytherin."

Their conversation continued on for another 30 minutes, talking about school, then Diagon alley as they were wondering what else they needed, Hogsmede, and then just chatting about nothing of importance until Mrs Weasley announced that dinner was ready. They all stood and stretched and sauntered down the wooden staircase and into the kitchen where they were met with the smell of freshly cooked food laid out on the table.

Harry knew that it was going to be awkward as he not long ago, came out that he was gay which meant he had to break it off with Ginny, which she was not happy about. The other 7 Wealsey's were surprisingly ok with it, considering that he hurt their daughter and sister. Even Ron was supportive, even though he was a bit mad at first that Harry hurt Ginny but he forgave him quickly.

As harry slowly sat down in a seat next to Ron, he couldn't help but avert his eyes to Ginny who was doing anything not to look at Harry as she sat down as well. He felt guilty at how long it took him to figure out that he was gay so he didn't have to hurt Ginny, but in a way, he can't help how he feels, and he hoped that one day she would accept that. She is his best friends sister after all.

After everyone sat down, they all covered their plates with food and began to eat. And once every crumb was gone, dessert was placed before them: Belgian waffles with chocolate sauce and cream. When Harry was sure he was about to explode, he informed the Weasley's he was off to bed and they all bid him goodnight.

He climbed the many stairs, took a left to Ron's room and flopped down onto his creaky bed, though he begrudgingly got back up to change into his Pyjamas even though it was still pretty early, but felt tired enough to go to sleep. He got under the covers and closed his eyes hoping that he would fall asleep soon, but that obviously wasn't the case as his mind raced with thoughts.

He sat up and sighed just as Ron came through the door, groaning and patting his belly.

"I ate too much." Ron admitted, sitting down on his bed. Harry laughed to himself.

"You always eat too much. Have you ever considered eating less food once in a while?" Harry genuinely asked as he leaned down beside his bed and picked up a tea stained, booklet object.

He picked up his wand, pointed it at the paper and muttered: 'I Solemnly swear that I am up to no good.' And the same thick black ink appeared spread out before him. He opened it up to find the grounds of Hogwarts, which was of course, deserted.

He looked back up at Ron who was looking at him like he was stupid.

"What?" Harry asked, confused.

"If there's food Harry, I'm going to take it. That's like giving a pet some food but forcing them not to eat it." Ron argued, pausing to wait for Harry to say something.

"I don't think it is mate. You have the food, you just have to eat less of it if you don't want to be groaning and clutching your stomach." Harry replied truthfully. Ron ignored him and lay down on his back, staring at the ceiling.

"Harry, can I ask you something?" Ron wondered, after a moment of thought. He looked from the ceiling to Harry who was looking down at the map again.

"Sure." Harry answered, not looking up. Ron sighed in thought before continuing.

"How did you know you were gay?" At this, Harry looked up and frowned.

"Why?" He asked. "Are you thinking that your—"

"No, no, no, I was just wondering." Ron cut him off, blushing slightly.

Harry thought for a moment. When did he know he was gay?

"Well I think I always had suspicions but never really took any notice of them. Like for example, I always thought about a boy in the place of a girl I was with, and to be honest, it felt better. I maybe had some feelings for more guys than girls—"

"Like who?" Ron cut in, looking intrigued. Harry was slightly taken aback and hesitated.

"A few." He replied.

"Like?" Ron pressed on.

"Like, Blaise Zabini." Harry flushed a hot red as the words left his lips. Ron raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Really? A Slytherin?" He asked. Harry nodded, his cheeks still red as his mouth formed a small smile. Ron nodded slowly.

"Anyone else?"

"No." Harry lied. He had had a crush on one certain boy during his first few years of Hogwarts, yet he didn't know it was a crush until 4th year. By then he had forced himself to get over him but could never stop believing he was attractive. He had never told anyone, of course, and he was sure that it would go down with him to his grave.

Ron raised an eyebrow in suspicion but decided to let it go, much to Harry's relief. They talked for a few more minutes until their eyes began to get heavier. They closed the conversation and Harry put his things away that he still had on his bed. They turned the lights off and unlike before, Harry quickly drifted off to sleep

Thank you so much for reading this if you did. Please let me know if you want me to carry on in the comments that would be awesome! I hoped you enjoyed. ❤️

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