Part 4: City and Odd encounter

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Jimmy just got out from the locomotives cab and moved to the platform, and later went downstairs to go to the chaotic streets.

Carla made an announcement about Jimmy's action's to the passenger's, they reacted a bit worried. But yet understood the situation, since some passenger's started to starve.

Jimmy then pulled out his gun handgun, an Beretta 9mm. And started walking cautiously on the street's.

Jimmy: Better hurry up on getting food, don't want to find any type of trouble...

He thought in his mind.

Gunshots could still be heard, the sentence of zombies alway's repeating on the distance 'Brains', people screaming in the distance.

It felt like a nightmare that no one would want. But this was reality, and he had to accept it.

He kept walking on the streets, he found some small stores, grabbed a bag and started looting anything that's eatable, and anything drinkable.

What he had wasn't enough for the passenger's, so he kept searching for anything. He kept checking on abandoned departments, and restaurants.

Barely finding anything.

But now by his luck, he found an crashed truck with contained a lot of bags of food.

It looked stolen though, Jimmy checked the driver's seat to find the driver dead. He took the bags and later headed back to the station.

On the way he started to hear a car in the distance. Later he noticed it wasn't one, but an military convoy!

He quickly hid on a nearby building. The military convoy passed by, taking no notice of him.

Jimmy was relieved and made his way back again to the station

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Jimmy was relieved and made his way back again to the station. Once he arrived, he gave some of the bags to the passenger's, and later went back to the cab with 1 bag left.

For enough food for Michael and Carla.

(Music ends)

Carla: I was starting to get worried!

Michael (sign language): Me too!

Jimmy: Now calm down both of you... i've bringed the food, and also came back safe and sound. Now lets get going before any soldier or zombie finds us.

And so they departed from the station. Then, dispatcher called in.

Dispatcher: 925 are you alright? you where sitting there in that station for quite some time.

Jimmy: Yes! yes we are alright, we've just stopped for recollecting some food for the passenger's.

Dispatcher: Oh i see... hey, there's something moving in the line towards on New Brunswick Track 3, it doesn't say its an Amtrak locomotive at all.

 hey, there's something moving in the line towards on New Brunswick Track 3, it doesn't say its an Amtrak locomotive at all

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Jimmy: Ok...?

Dispatcher: I will divert you on Metuchen Yard.

The train arrived in the yard, and stayed very still and quiet.

Later, they saw something really unusual. An steam locomotive was moving on the line. Carrying a couple of passenger cars, and a few freight cars. Mostly looking for track maintenance.

Michael noticed that the locomotive was an Southern Pacific class GS-6. Jimmy noticed too. They where quite shocked that an extinct steam locomotive was running in Amtrak's mainline.

After the train passed they received a call on the radio.

'HELLO?! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!' Said a male voice that was on pure fear!

Jimmy: Yes hello who is this? what is the emergency?!

'Oh thank god! can you pick me up please!'

Jimmy: Wait... what?

'I've saw you pulling up in Metuchen Yard and im stuck here in this warehouse looking place or whatever it is! anyways, i'm coming straight to you since multiple of these things are chasing me! im coming to the left just wait please!'

And the radio call ended.

Everyone in the cab was completely worried about what the guy in the radio said.

Carla: Should we trust him...?

Jimmy: I don't know... although he sounded like really desperate. He might not be lying. Besides i think i heard someone saying brains although it was barely hear able.

Then by their surprise. It wasn't a lie nor a trap, there was a construction worker running towards the train, followed by an horde of slow walking zombies.

 It wasn't a lie nor a trap, there was a construction worker running towards the train, followed by an horde of slow walking zombies

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Jimmy: Michael get the train slowly moving!

Jimmy opened the door, and pulled out his handgun to defend the survivor from the most nearest zombies from him.

By pure luck, the construction worker got inside the cab, Jimmy followed by and soon the left the yard.

By pure luck, the construction worker got inside the cab, Jimmy followed by and soon the left the yard

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