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doyoung and jaehyun had been dating for 3 weeks, and no one else knew yet. there had been multiple close calls— taeyong glancing at doyoung's phone and seeing jaehyun's contact name, yuta catching them hugging in the hall and jaehyun managing a barely believable explanation, johnny walking in on a shirtless jaehyun sitting next to a fully clothed doyoung and immediately walking back out— but so far, they had been able to avoid anyone finding out.

doyoung opened the front door and stepped into the house, turning to shut it and lock it. someone cleared their throat behind him, causing him to nearly drop his keys. he whipped around, the light in the kitchen flicking on as taeyong stood by the light switch, his eyebrow raised. "oh," doyoung began, managing a nervous smile, "hi, taey—"

"shut it," taeyong snapped, the boy's mouth immediately clamping shut. "why the hell are you coming home this late?"

"why are you up this late?"

"answer the fucking question."

"well, i mean— is it really that late?" taeyong picked his phone up off the island and turned it on, thrusting it in doyoung's direction. it was 1:46 am. shit. "you know, i just had so much work to do, and—"

"you couldn't possibly do it at home?"

"uh ... i could, but—"

"so why didn't you?"

"why does it matter, taeyong?"

he scoffed, looking at doyoung in disbelief. "are you serious? it matters because i didn't fucking know where you were. you didn't even text me to tell me, and i started to think something bad had happened to you. i was worried about you."

"i'm sorry," doyoung mumbled.

"sorry doesn't cut it, doyoung. tell me where you really were."

"i d-"

"doyoung," he said sharply.

doyoung sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he began muttering to himself. "it'll be fine. you can do this." looking back up at taeyong, he looked everywhere except the boy's eyes as he managed a quiet "jaehyun's house".

taeyong stared at him for a few moments, and then his brows furrowed. "why?"

"do we really have to talk about this now?"

"yes? we do? why were you there?"


"because why?"

"because he's my fucking boyfriend!" doyoung yelled, throwing his keys down onto the floor.

taeyong's hand flew over his mouth as he continued to stare at doyoung, his eyes wide. "you— he— so he's y— what the fuck?"

"we're not talking about this anymore."

doyoung snatched his keys back up off the floor and turned, walking in the direction of the stairs as taeyong began talking behind him. "oh, yes, we are! how long have you two been dating? why did you feel the need to lie?"

he went up the stairs and stopped halfway, gripping the banister as he turned to face taeyong. "we can discuss this in the morning. goodnight, taeyong."

"wh—" he was already heading up the stairs again, not stopping until he was in his room with the door shut. kicking off his shoes, he collapsed onto the bed, groaning into his pillow. dread was slowly consuming him, and he wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear off the face of the earth. now that taeyong knew, he would tell johnny, who would probably tell yuta, and yuta was a blabbermouth, and by the next party half the school would know they were together.

fucking fantastic.

feeling his phone buzz, he lifted his head from the pillow and pulled it out of the pocket of his hoodie, glancing at the screen. there was a text from jaehyun. 'did you make it home okay?'

'define okay'

'what happened?'

'taeyong interrogated me when i got home and now he knows we're together'

'hey it'll be okay :( if people find out we're together there's nothing to be ashamed of, i'd love to show you off and brag to people <3'

doyoung felt himself blush.

'yeah it's just frustrating i guess. i didn't want him to find out like this'

'i know, and i'm sorry. get some sleep for now though okay? i can come over in the morning so we can explain everything to him :)'

'i don't deserve you jaehyun'

'and i don't deserve you. goodnight ❤️'

turning his phone off, he flipped over onto his back and stared at the ceiling, unable to suppress a grin.

he was in love with jaehyun.

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