epilogue pt. 2

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HELLOOOOO this is so late and i am so sorry D:

i debated a lot on whether or not i should write this, but i thought it'd be right since i didn't really explain what happened to yujohnyong (i couldn't think of a better ship name leave me alone) and i only mentioned them like once in the epilogue and then moved on

THEREFORE i wanted to dedicate an extra final chapter to them and their relationship :] also thank you for all the support !! i can't believe this fic is still getting reads, i appreciate all of u <3

"johnny. oh, johnny," taeyong sang, prodding the sleeping figure in the bed. when he didn't immediately move, taeyong punched his shoulder. "johnny, wake up."

"5 more minutes," he mumbled, flipping onto his back. he squinted up at taeyong. "have you even gotten dressed yet?"

"yuta woke me up about half an hour ago and wanted to take a bath."

"really? he never takes a b— WHY ARE YOU DRIPPING WATER ALL OVER MY CARPET?"

"our carpet," taeyong corrected with a grin. "communism."

"what the fuck are you yelling about?" yuta called, stepping out of the bathroom. unlike taeyong, who had a towel wrapped loosely around his waist, yuta emerged completely exposed.

and dripping ungodly amounts of water on the carpet.

"you know what, just—" johnny forced himself up and pushed the other two back into the bathroom. "i'll make breakfast. come down whenever you're done."

"will do," taeyong replied with a mini salute, dropping the towel and stepping back into the tub. yuta remained at the door, pouting.

johnny sighed. "what?"

"it's my birthday, and you're not gonna give me a good morning kiss?"

"you—" he grabbed yuta by the waist and dipped him down, kissing him deeply. when he stood back up, he pulled away and patted yuta's cheek before walking out of their bedroom.

something that johnny and yuta didn't learn until they all moved in together was that taeyong could bake. when they asked why he never mentioned it, he never gave an exact answer, and they didn't try to force one out of him. this meant that johnny could leave the birthday cake to taeyong, which was a blessing, because he didn't have the energy to figure out how the hell a swiss roll worked.

not long after they moved in together, it felt like they began learning all sorts of things about each other that they never would've known otherwise. taeyong was borderline obsessive with how clean he kept everything, yuta was an incredibly caring boyfriend to them both and never bothered them for sex or anything related to it unless one of them initiated it, and according to the pair, johnny was a surprisingly good waffle maker.

"i smell waffles." yuta's voice boomed through the first floor of the house, and he practically sprinted into the kitchen, skidding to a stop in his socks. he had on a yellow sweater and grey sweatpants; behind him, taeyong was wearing a dark green sweater with a white button up underneath, both tucked into a pair of black pants and secured with a belt.

he was looking down at his phone, but looked up when he walked into the kitchen. "are they chocolate chip?"

"they are."

"oh my god, i could kiss you for that."

"taeyong, give the birthday boy 3 waffles and whatever he wants as toppings. i'm gonna go get changed." taeyong nodded, and as johnny went out of the kitchen and upstairs, he heard yuta ask if he could squirt the whipped cream into his mouth.

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