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"thank you all for coming!" yuta began, earning small claps from the circle. doyoung got the idea that people really liked him. maybe he was just a nice guy, or maybe he was a bumbling idiot that also happened to be funny.

"for tonight's game ... it's probably gonna get weird. so if you're not comfortable with that, i'd suggest you leave." when no one stood up, he rose an eyebrow, but was unable to suppress the small grin that crept onto his face. "alright then! let's get into the rules."

yuta had brought along a bottle, a piece of paper, a pen, and bracelets you could slap onto your wrist— dozens of them. "you spin the bottle. whoever it lands on, you get to play truth or dare, one round only. if you take too long to come up with something, the rest of the group can come up with it for you. the dare cannot involve anyone else in the group— only you two. for every successful dare, you get a bracelet. same goes for every question you get a 'yes' to. after your round is over, the person the bottle landed on gets to spin next, and the first person to reach 20 bracelets wins."

"so wait- we can ask anything, right?" johnny asked, earning a nod from yuta.

"you can ask any truth, and you can perform any dare. of course, if they don't consent to the dare, then you can't do it."

"jaehyun, i'm coming for you." the boy named jaehyun rolled his eyes, and doyoung felt bad that he had already managed to forget his name.

truth be told, he didn't mean to get into the game.

taeyong attended every single party that johnny hosted, which meant that he was a regular attendee of the party games. doyoung had heard the horror stories of some of the games, so as soon as he spotted johnny rushing at them, he immediately began to step away. but he was too slow, and his heart slowly sank like a rock in the ocean as johnny asked, "doyoung, why don't you play with us?"

so now he was in a circle of strangers. a circle full of strangers that were probably ready to get as vulgar as possible.

"hey taeyong, why don't you spin first?" yuta asked with a lazy grin, leaning back.

taeyong practically lunged for the bottle, setting it on its dizzying course as it slowed to a stop and landed on johnny. predictable. "truth or dare?"

"truth," the older boy replied, making taeyong grin.

"is it true you kissed ten in—"

"yes, it's true, please shut up about it." the group burst into laughter as taeyong slapped one of the bracelets onto his wrist, the plastic strip immediately curling to form a loose circle. sitting back, they all kept their eyes on johnny now as he spun the bottle.

the game went on like that for close to half an hour; doyoung was lucky. it hadn't landed on him yet, and he was praying he would be able to make it through the whole game without getting picked.

it was now jaehyun's turn, and the bottle had landed on him 3 times. currently, he had 2 bracelets; one of his truths had resulted in a 'no' from the other person. leaning over, he grabbed the end of the bottle and gave it a gentle push, setting it into motion. the bottle was about to land on taeyong, and doyoung felt himself release a sigh of relief.

but then the bottle kept moving.

it inched forward, slowing down to a stop in front of doyoung. taeyong laughed, and doyoung wanted to break the bottle. he had been safe for half an hour, why now? and why with jaehyun?

"truth or dare?"

panicking internally, doyoung considered his options before blurting out a 'dare'. he could sense taeyong's smirk and wanted to slap him. keeping his eyes on jaehyun, he noticed yuta holding up 5 fingers, putting them down one at a time until he reached zero. "alright, jaehyun, you took too long. now we get to decide what—"

"i've got a dare!" johnny announced. doyoung couldn't help but notice the look of pure regret that flashed over jaehyun's face.

yuta simply grinned. "alright, what is it?"

"jaehyun has to take doyoung's virginity within the next 7 days, and if he doesn't, then ... he has to be a cat for a week."

"a what?" jaehyun asked, glancing between doyoung and johnny. there was desperation in his eyes, and doyoung could tell he didn't want him to agree. taking a deep breath, he pinched the bridge of his nose.


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