Chapter 7

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Note: I do not own My Hero Academia. All works here are purely those of fiction and headcanon. Enjoy!

"I've decided who the first one to leave is." Aizawa stated 'calmly.' Anyone with any skill in the art of body language reading would immediately know he was the exact opposite of calm. Like a volcano on the verge of an eruption.

"Is it Min-" Aizawa glared at Izuku and shut the boy up immediately. 'Okay. It's Mineta.' This was a first for Izuku. Seeing Aizawa get so upset at learning the pervert did something tamer than he usually does. It was still perverted and wrong, sure. But getting that upset was an odd sight to see for the greenette. Maybe it was his fatherly instincts....' Fatherly instincts'. But allowing personal feelings to make a professional decision, is not a good idea, Aizawa-sensei. Izuku wondered how principal Nezu would react.

Eri, watching this display only felt awkward and a bit fearful of everything that was transpiring. Was Mineta looking at her like a piece of meat wrong? Probably, because she felt weird when she found him staring. Not the 'good' weird she felt when with her hero. 'Not that I felt weird around Izuku at all. Nope. Just safe,' the silver-haired girl groaned internally at her thoughts. At least she could tell the difference between the types of looks one should and shouldn't receive. She felt a feeling more like disgust being directed towards the pervert in question. Like being covered in cold slime, not that she knew what that was. Izuku should really take her out to see things like that. "So..." Eri began, trying to finish her and Izuku's impromptu interview. "Who's the second and when are they leaving?"

Aizawa took a moment, a long moment, to think. It was so long that Izuku genuinely thought that he had fallen asleep while standing. "I'll tell you the second person after the festival. And both of them will leave after the festival. Any further questions?" The 2 students shook their heads. "Good. Now go back to your dorms so I can go sleep."

"Yes, Aizawa-sensei," the two of them said almost immediately. "Wait isn't it still  school time?"

Izuku shook his head. "I just got a message that school would be put 'on hold' until the end of the festival. I guess they didn't want us to stress out after the recent fights and losses. Regardless, we should get back to our preparations... and continue studying so we're prepared after the festival."

"Right." Eri agreed, her face looking more determined. A look that Izuku found quite cute due to how wide her eyes had become. Soon after, he realized what he had thought and tried to push the thought away. It was time for preparations after all. Not acknowledging a girl. One that considered him her hero. Besides, if all went well at the festival he may see something else besides a determined Eri.

(1 hour later)

If one could see the state of 1-A, they would assume that they had recently come back from a hard-core PE lesson.. or they survived an assault by an angry Bakugou. Well, a select few of them would look like this. On the couch of the common area lay Iida, Ojiro, and Sato. "Good work everyone! We've made some progress with our dance routine!" Mina said cheerfully. How the pink-skinned girl wasn't exhausted was a mystery to Izuku.

As for the protagonist, you could also throw him in the pile of exhausted dancers as the boy had beads of sweat trickling down the sides of his head and his chest. "I wonder... how the.... others are doing...." Izuku looked around the common area for the staging crew. He knew that the music crew was doing somewhat good in their preparations. He could hear the progress go from a symphony of dying cats to a slightly more harmonious symphony of dying cats, courtesy of Jirou's coaching and Bakugou's... Bakugou-ness/aggravated motivation(?) Regardless, they sounded better.

Izuku stood up to go get Eri and ask her about how her planning was going as well as have a lighthearted conversation about his dancing in the group. Noticing a pair of crimson eyes and a set of white hair talking to Sato and Uraraka, Izuku paced over to tell her about what he had planned to say. Well, that was until...

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