14. Stole My Love

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'I'm tryna tell myself that this just isn't love

But I can't help cos I just ain't get enough yet

My hearts gone but my mind just ain't given up yet

And I just don't know what to do'


Song Recommendations:

*** Stole My Love - Jay Isaiah

**** Out the Way - Samaria



"My ex has been messaging me... he's been trying to get me back."

Those were the only words that have been replaying over and over again in his head as he sped his way back to the frat house. He couldn't think straight, he was just so angry and hurt. He felt betrayed.

Eren parked his car in the first parking spot he saw. He wiped the tears from his eyes and got out of his car, slamming the door. He swung his backpack over one shoulder and trudged his way down the sidewalk and headed over to the house. Eren kept his head down as people passed by him. The frat house was jam-packed with way more people than usual, but luckily, Eren saw Armin outside on the porch talking to Annie. He grabbed his best friend's arm and pulled him along with him into the house.

"Eren!! What are you doing?! I thought you were with Y/N?! Let me go!!"


"What do you mean no?! Where are you taking me?! I was talking to Annie!!"

Eren turned to glare at Armin, "Well... I have a problem that I need to fucking talk to my best friend about."

Armin felt a chill run down his spine at Eren's cold glare, "Jesus, okay, let me just say bye first."

Eren let him go, "Hurry up."

Armin bid Annie good night and walked back to Eren, "So, what gives?! What's got all your panties in a bunch?!" He yelled over the music.

Eren didn't respond and just made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed whatever unopened bottle he saw first and walked towards the stairway. Armin eyed the bottle and raised an eyebrow. Once they got to his bedroom door, Eren angrily took out his keys to unlock the door.

"So are you gonna—"

"Hold on."

Once Eren unlocked his door and opened it, he switched the light on. Armin followed him into his room, closed the door, and took a seat on his couch. Eren threw his backpack by his desk. He opened the bottle and took a large swig, cringing at the taste and burning sensation of whiskey making its way down his throat. He made his way to his bed and slammed the bottle on his nightstand before kicking off his shoes so he could lie down.


Eren sighed, "Y/N and I got into an argument..."

Armin's eyes widened, "What?! Why?!"

"I think she was just leading me on this entire time... she fucking wasted my time."

Armin's eyebrows knitted together, "Wait...? How has she been—"

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