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"We often desire what we cannot have."

In the dining pavilion, there were two boys at a table. No campers dared to look in the direction of their table though, not much dared to go near Percy after what had happened a few weeks ago.

    Even his own half brother seemed uncomfortable with sitting so close to him even if they were sitting on opposite ends of the table. They were all afraid that he would do it again. No matter how much he tried to assure them that he wouldn't, they still kept their distance.

    There was a light tap on the table, drawing both Lucius and Percy's attention. The corner of his lip twitched upwards as he saw who it was. One of the few people that wouldn't distance themselves from him. His dear cousin, Thalia Grace.

    "Thalia." Percy greeted, standing up and embracing his cousin in a tight hug. She seemed to be at the camp more often. He knew exactly why. Curse the huntress that had framed her.

    Some new campers gave Thalia weird looks. They looked at her like how they would look at a monster. Who, who in their right mind would go near a sadistic psychopath? From the corner of his eye, Percy could see the apologetic smile that was on a certain blonde's face.

    As they stopped embracing each other, Percy disposed of his plate and all that good stuff. Thalia led him outside and finally began to speak, "How's it going, Percy?" She seemed to have more things on her mind than usual. Her electric blue eyes seemed to be- darker?

    "Not good. Lucius has been acting strange." Percy shook his head, "Whatever he's planning, I don't like it." Thalia cast him a sympathetic glance, "It'd be wise to not."

    "Am I allowed to take that as a compliment? Me, wise?" Wise. Reminds him of Annabeth, when they were still together anyway. Thalia rolled her eyes in a playful manner, punching Percy lightly. She didn't disagree with Percy's claim though, only shrugging it off.

    "Hah!" Percy snickered, happy over a small victory with his cousin. "Where's our King of Death?" It was clearly referring to their other cousin, Nico Di Angelo. I mean, who else could be a son of Hades and be awfully close to Thalia and Percy?

    "Honestly, I have no clue. Who knows what Death Breat-" Thalia was interrupted by a boy who had stepped out of the shadows with a frown on his face. Percy snickered, earning him a death glare from Thalia, who awkwardly waved to Nico.

    "Hiya, Neeks!" Percy gave a lazy grin and wave to Nico. Nico just nodded slightly, acknowledging Percy. "Awh c'mon, you're not even gonna give me a hug? We haven't seen each other in forever!" He whined, playfully of course, but Nico actually did come and hug him.

    "There. Can you shut up now?" Nico scoffed, backing away from Percy. Percy grinned victoriously, "You've grown an inch or two, good job!" He teased. Between the three, he was the tallest, being 6'0. Then Thalia comes in at 5'7 and Nico being 5'6.

    "Shut up." Nico grumbled. Thalia watched all this go on, amused. "Nico, you resemble your dad more and more. I just want to let you know how proud of you I am."

    Nico rolled his eyes, "If you two keep talking, I'll send you to have a polite debate with Thanatos." Thalia and Percy both shrugged.

    As they walked in front of a tree, Nico raised a hand, knocking on the tree a few times and whispering some words to it. A red marking on the tree that had been hidden began to glow. All three of them were soon sucked into the tree, all traces of them disappearing.

    They were now in a squared glass like room. They could see everything around the tree. Meanwhile, the things outside couldn't see or hear them at all. Percy had been the one to discover this location. It was purely an accident and he ended up being stuck in the room for a few hours before finally figuring out a way to get out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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