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"Its been a while...you look good." Luke states.

I stand there, completely frozen in place. I try to get a word out, but I don't know what I'm trying to say. I just stare at him, until he switches his gaze to Percy and Annabeth.

"Well, if it isn't my two favorite cousins." He says to them.

"Three. I'm a son of Poseidon, too." Says Tyson.

"Thats funny because Poseidon doesn't have any other half-blood children."

"I'm a Cyclops...mist." He says clearing up the confusion on Luke's face.

"Ya don't say?" Luke says as he switches his gaze back to me.

He looks me up and down. I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. I can't move. I want to go closer to him and say something, but my body won't let me.

"Where's Grover?" Percy asks.

"Grover? Grover, ahhh, yes. Grover! Right, the satyr. He should be in the sea of monsters right about now. I sent him ahead with some friends. We are kinda on the clock." Luke says as he notices my lingering stare on him.

He makes a curious face at me and tilts his head. Probably noticing the scars on my face from training.

I look down and finally catch my breath and try my best to pull it together.

"Your not just....your not just trying to stop us from getting the fleece." Percy says as he comes to a realization.

"I need it, too." Luke states. "I got something only the fleece can revive. And, its not a tree."

He walks over to a cloth covering something under it.

"It wasn't easy to find. I had to crawl through the depths of Tartarus itself. Then, Cleveland." He pauses as he takes off the cloth. "The remains of Kronos. The original Titan and future destroyer of Olympus. And the world."

I've read about Kronos. He was just as evil and horrifying as they come, even scarier than Hades.

"You'd destroy the world just to get back at your dad?" Annabeth questions.

"The Olympians overthrew their parents. Its just our turn." He states as he covers the remains of Kronos back up.

"We met your father." I begin to say, but can feel myself go cold when Luke's and my eyes meet. "He said that he knows he messed up and he's sorry. He told me to tell you to not be so angry, Luke."

Luke stares at me in disbelief.

"After everything I told you about him, how could you believe a word he says?" He asks me as he stares at me angrily.

"I've asked myself the same thing, except about you." I taunt, feeling angry and vengeful.

I try to contain my anger, but I can feel it bubbling and growing inside me.

He takes a step back and then, smirks at me.

"Take them to the brig." He orders his men. "But, leave her here. We need to talk." He says as he points to me.

Percy starts struggling against the man trying to take him. He shouts for me and yells at Luke. All the noise fades out as I try to contain my anger. The last thing we need is me to blow up this whole boat, but, come to think of it, it wouldn't be the worst idea. I push back my anger and get ready to face Luke. One of his men grabs my shoulders and puts me in a chair, and ties my hands around the arms of the chair.

We spend the first couple of seconds staring at each other. Then, he gets up and crouches down in front of me.

"I've missed you." Is all he says as he places a hand on my knee and smiles at me.

I just scoff and look the other way.

"What? You haven't missed me? Its not like you spent months searching for me." He says making me look down at him in confusion.

"You knew I was looking for you." I state feeling a chill rush through my body.

"Yes. I did." He says.

"Why didn't you come to me? Why did you just leave me all alone?" I question, slightly raising my voice.

"I couldn't see you. I couldn't look at you after what I did."

"What?" My voice cracks. "Luke, I killed someone because of you! I almost got sent to Tartarus because of you! I spent months locking myself away and searching for you! I went to our spot everyday just so I wouldn't forget about the Luke I thought I knew. The Luke I loved!" I say all in one breathe.

He looks at me as if he is going to say it back. As if he would dare say those three words, those eight letters. But, instead, he just shakes his head and laughs causing me to clench my fists.

He looks down at my hands and backs away.

"I've heard about what you have been up to lately. You have been the talk of the town, or Olympus, rather. The daughter of Hades, who lives up to her name, and has dangerous power. I've also heard that the gods decided that you shouldn't be able to use your own power." He says looking for a reaction from me.

I just sit there and relax my hands. I won't give him the satisfaction of getting angry or sad.

"They took away your control over yourself. All because they fear you." He says causing me to jerk my head in his direction. "And they should. Your powerful, Stella. The are terrified that you can overthrow them. Maybe even kill one of them."

I scoff.

"Really, Luke?" I say, confusing him.


"You think that you can persuade me to join your side, to be anything like you?" I ask. "Well, guess what? I will never join you, ever. Am I clear?" I say emphasizing every last word.

"Oh, but, I think you want to. Your father is horrible, and not different from any of the other gods. They deserve to perish. Olympus deserves to fall. And you...you deserve to make it crumble. Just think of what your father has said to you! How he doesn't want anything to do with you! Your all alone. Percy, Annabeth, Grover. You think they are your friends. They are terrified of you. But, I'm not. We could be together. We could put a stop to the gods' power and reign."

"Why?" I ask. "This can't just be because of your dad. Your talking about destroying Olympus, Luke! Our home!"

"I thought I was your home." He says, completely catching me off guard.

"What?" I ask. "Luke, this isn't about just you and me. You are talking about raising Kronos. The guy who ate his children! What the hell is wrong with you!?" I ask, struggling in my chair.

He quickly gets up and moves close to my body, placing his hands on the arms of the chair, just inches away from my face.

"We need you! Don't you get it? You are nothing to the people at camp! They fear you! No one cares about you! Except me." He says as his eyes glow yellow. I look at him terrified.

"Whats wrong with your eyes?" I ask.

He steps back confused and shakes his head.

"Take her down to the brig with the others!" He orders.

"What? Luke, no! Luke!" I scream as I struggle against one of his men as he pulls me away from him. "Luke! Please!" I beg.

"Don't do this to me, again." My voice cracks as I try to hold back my tears.

PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS X READERWhere stories live. Discover now