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Luke's men tied us up against an old rollercoaster. I want to comfort Percy, but I have no idea what to say. His only brother just died right in front of him.

"We need to find a way out of here." Says Grover.

"And get the fleece for Thalia." Says Annabeth.

"Guys, this is my quest that you all crashed so let me think of a plan." Clarisse says causing me to roll my eyes. "Got a problem, Darke?" She asks.

"Do you want me to answer that honestly, or let you come up with a plan?" I say and she just ignores me.

"We don't have time for this." Percy says annoyed with both of us.

"Percy, your pen!" Annabeth says.

I am confused for a little, but then catch on. Percy successfully gets the pen out of his pocket and looks at Grover.

"No!" Grover says making me laugh a bit. "I want to keep my hands."

"I won't miss. Just stay still." Percy assures him, but it doesn't do much.

Grover nods and pulls his face away just in case he does lose his hands. Percy presses the pen and the sword goes straight through the rope.

"Yeah!! Yes!!" Grover says happily as he gets to keep his hands.

"Untie us!?" Clarisse shouts at Grover.

"Right, right." He says as he unties all of us and we prepare to fight.

"Okay, we have to focus on making sure the fleece doesn't go anywhere near Kronos' remains. You guys keep Luke's men busy, I'll go after Luke." Percy says and we all nod.

When they notice we escaped, Luke's men come right at us with swords. None of use are armed, which is just great, so I grab a metal pole I found on the ground and toss the rest to the others. And the battle begins.


I manage to knock out three guys and make my way up to Percy mainly because he seems to be struggling a lot. I run up to Luke, with a sword I stole from one of his men.

"You sure you wanna do this?" He asks.

"Yeah, I do." I reply as I strike him with my sword, but he moves out of the way and slices the side of my thigh open with his sword.

I let out a yelp of pain and fall to the ground. I try to get back up, but Luke already has his sword to my throat. I look for Percy, but see him struggling to catch his breathe on the ground.

"Last chance. Join us." Luke says again, but, out of nowhere, he gets thrown off the platform and onto the ground.

"She said no, dude." Says Tyson causing my mouth to drop.

"No way." I say under my breathe as I look to Percy who has the same expression.

"Oh, hey, brother." Tyson says as Percy hugs him.

"How did you survive?" Percy asks.

"The water. It healed me." He says as Percy hugs him again.

I can't help but wonder where the fleece is. I look to see Luke placing it on Kronos' remains.

"No!" I scream as I try to take it off, but Luke puts me in a chokehold.

"Don't struggle. It was meant to happen." Luke says as I can feel the air draining from my lungs.

Grover attacks Luke and comes to my aid as I fall to the ground.

"Thanks." I say as we both watch the fleece work its magic.



"Gods-." Clarisse, Annabeth, then Grover says.

Right before our eyes, Kronos starts to materialize from his remains. We all feel powerless, as there is nothing we can do. My eye catches Percy jump onto one of Kronos' remains.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"My blade! The cursed blade shall reap!" He says reminding me of the prophecy.

Percy's blade can kill Kronos. I see his blade floating up on one of the remains and I jump up to try and catch it.

I then climb onto one of the remains as the sword comes into reach. I grab and use it to cut a part of Kronos which flows back into his tomb.

"Stella! Look out!" Percy calls as Kronos' hand alone comes at me, knocking me off and onto the ground, the sword still with me.

I fall to the ground and see Percy do the same. I watch as Kronos becomes himself and all his remains are put back together.

"Lord Kronos! I'm your grandson, Luke! I brought you back!" Luke calls as Kronos reaches down and grabs Luke.

"No! Luke!" I call out.

Kronos throws Luke into his mouth. I can't believe what I just saw, it just doesn't seem real to me. I feel like I'm going into shock, but Percy knocks me out of it when he grabs my hand and pulls me up. He grabs his sword, too.

"Stella, hey, look at me." He says as he places his hands on my face. "I need you with me right now. Kronos isn't gonna stop." He says and I just nod.

"Go, Percy. Use the sword and put him back where he belongs." I say as he runs towards Kronos.

I look around and join Annabeth, Clarisse, Tyson, and Grover in battle against Luke's men. Grover and I are fighting alongside when Kronos reaches his hand down again to grab someone. I try to get Grover out of the way, but I'm too late.

"Grover!" I yell.

"Stella!!" He yells back as Kronos devours him.

"No, no." I say to myself.

"Stella, c'mon." Annabeth says as she runs towards me, but I feel something grab me.

I turn around to see Kronos' hand wrapped around me and pulling me up.

"There you are!" He says as he starts pulling me towards his mouth, but then gets distracted when we see Percy using his sword to cut off his hand.

"Ahhh! You!" Kronos says as he tries to knock Percy away, but misses. But, he tries again and throws Percy onto his arm right infront of me.

"Stella!" Percy calls as he passes me his sword.

Kronos starts to close his hand, trapping me inside. I feel like I'm being crushed, but use the sword to break off his remains. I throw the sword back to Percy as I feel myself being flung off Kronos.

"Stella!" He calls as I land on the ground.

"I'm okay!" I yell back as I see Percy jump to Kronos' chest and use the sword the slice right down. As he does this, Kronos' remains all float back into his tomb as Percy lands onto the ground. I rush over to him.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"More than okay. We did it, we won." He says as he looks at Tyson grabbing the fleece off of Kronos' tomb and back away, terrified.

We share a laugh and try to catch our breathe.

"We did it." I repeat as Percy gives me a hug.

Percy then gets up and runs over to Grover who seems to be spit right back out, along with Luke, and a few other guys. I see Luke go flying across the island and I try to make my way to him, but feel this sharp, stabbing pain in my back. I look down and see a claw sticking out of my stomach, then pulled back out. I gasp for air, and fall to the ground.

PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS X READERWhere stories live. Discover now