winter song

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it was a cold winter night that eurydice normally would've dreaded but she was with orpheus, that alone made her feel warm and comforted. they always loved nights like this, cold out but not cold enough to make it harsh, warm inside and most of all it felt like home. before orpheus had come into her life, eurydice never knew what home was. he changed that though. on this particular night they were sitting on the couch together, orpheus quietly strumming his lyre and eurydice leaning against orpheus, her head resting gently on his chest. she was tired, yes, but she was also content and happy sitting there with her head on her lover's chest. eurydice loved how orpheus would play little tunes for her, especially during nights like this. after a while she started to doze off. this often happened on nights like this and it always made orpheus' heart flutter, seeing his wife asleep, happy and safe in his arms. he carefully set his lyre down next to him and gently took his wife in his arms, her head still against his chest. he had always marveled at how peaceful she looked in her sleep. how her eyelashes fluttered slightly, or how her bangs rested on her forehead. to orpheus, every part of eurydice was absolutely perfect. he could go on for hours just about how gorgeous her smile was or how perfect her big brown eyes were. he loved every bit of her that was for sure and he loved moments like this too, where he could just hold her and not worry about anything. after a little while, eurydice began to wake again and most times orpheus didn't notice her waking as he was often humming or whispering all kinds of different promises to her which always brought a smile to her face. this time when she woke, she found orpheus humming while playing with her hair. she shifted slightly and hummed a note to him as her way of letting orpheus know she was awake. as she turned to look at him she was greeted with his dorky smile which she loved more then anything and in turn gave her a smile of her own. orpheus then kissed his wife's forehead, something he often did when she woke, which of course, made her blush like crazy. orpheus was a romantic sweetheart which isn't something she was used to, but it was something she got used to quickly. she absolutely loved how he'd kiss her forehead or cheek at random times, or how he'd tell her how much he loves her, or how he'd occasionally wake up earlier then she did and try to braid her hair while she was asleep- the last one always made her laugh. she loved every part about orpheus and he felt the same about her, though her doubt often got the best of her. occasionally she found herself wondering why orpheus would ever want to love her and oftentimes orpheus noticed when she had these thoughts, as she would stare off into space and start to look upset when she did have these thoughts. when he noticed he'd snap her out of it by either hugging her or pressing a soft kiss to her forehead and though she was bad at it, eurydice always ended up opening up to orpheus and he'd talk her through it and reassure her that he wanted her and only her. she believed him every time, which was hard for her at first but she adjusted quickly. in the beginning when they'd first started living together, eurydice still had the fear that he'd leave her, as most people did in the past. at night she'd hold him tightly in the fear that he'd leave which orpheus wasn't used to either but he got used to it quickly. she would hold him in her sleep and once eurydice had adjusted, orpheus would hold her too. as she got calmer and more confident that orpheus wouldn't be leaving, she got more relaxed at night, and eventually allowed orpheus to fully hold her as she slept, which made the both of them happy. she loved being held by him and he loved to hold her. the first night this happened orpheus had actually gotten rather worried, eurydice was holding him until her arms went slack. he'd worried that there was something wrong but when he turned to look at her he practically bursted with love. he saw eurydice, fast asleep with a small smile crawling on her lips and her bangs flying in every which way on her forehead. he couldn't tear his eyes away from her for a few minutes, carefully examining every detail about her, how her hair was, how peaceful and serene she looked, how her skin glistened in the moonlight.. it was all perfect to him. eventually he managed to tear his eyes away from her for long enough to gently take her into his arms, being careful not to wake her. she woke up partially, despite orpheus' best efforts to not wake her and gave orpheus a small smile. she was exhausted he could tell and he whispered, "go back to sleep my love." she responded, her voice thick with sleep, "hold me while we sleep?" he grinned, knowing this was the first time she'd ever asked for him to hold her. he joyfully obliged, gently shifting her so that he could hold her. she made only a quiet contented sound in return and he whispered again, "you know how much i love you, right?" he got no response, as when he looked over he saw his wife fast asleep again. orpheus smiled softly and kissed her forehead before falling asleep himself, his wife safe and happy in his arms was all he needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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