Chapter 1

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AN: Please excuse the writing. I might rewrite this sometime but I'm not sure. It's like 2:30 over here right now and I'm a bit tired, but really wanted to at least start on his project. As for Cosmo's father, I'm going by a head canon that he returned to the Cosma family when Cosmo was probably around 3 or 4 after trying to break back into his house since he didn't have his wand while he was a fly. Also, I didn't want to risk anyone's phone number being put on display so I just did an insert for the doctor.

Cosmo woke up with his head pounding harshly and his stomach hurting him. It was about 4 AM in the morning and Fairy World was essentially asleep for the time being, and Wanda was knocked out cold next to him. He lied back down to try and go back to sleep, only for his stomach to begin growling and make him feel lightheaded.

After a few more restless minutes, Cosmo finally gave up on trying to go back to sleep and got up, making his way towards the castle's kitchen before a wave of nausea began to hit him. Feeling heat rise, he bolted to the nearest bathroom, trying to hold in his stomach before reaching a toilet, exploding into a mass of purple goo spread all over the seat. He grabbed his stomach as he continued to vomit, barely allowed to come up for air in between pauses.

Ugh..what did I eat? I can't believe something so yummy could be so evil!

He flushed the toilet and sat himself upright next to the toilet bowl, allowing himself to sit in silence and process his thoughts. He also rubbed his head and fingered through his straight, green hair as tenderly as he could, hoping for the headache to at the very least soften up.

Maybe I ate that cheese too fast? Mmm..that was really good cheese. Didn't Wanda buy that yesterday though. How bad could it have gotten? Guess I'll ask in the morning or something.

After a while longer, Cosmo forced himself up, completely forgetting the main reason he went downstairs in the first place. He floated his way back to his room and crawled back in bed, finally able to truly go to sleep since he and Wanda has gone to bed for the night.

Cosmo's eyes opened as Fairy World's bright pink lights began to shine through their bedroom window. As he forced his body to sit up, he noticed that Wanda wasn't next to him, which he found odd since they normally got up around the same time. He looked at the clock next to his side of the bed to read 1 PM..wait.1 PM??? Oh no..

He lunged himself out of bed and into the shower, trying to clean off some of the purple vomit from last night hastily. How could I be so careless? 1 PM? Wanda's going to be so mad. She's probably wondering where I'm at right now!

After he launched out of the shower, he grabbed his clothes from the closet, throwing on his underwear and undershirt as quick as he could. However, he found himself having more trouble buttoning his shirt and his black pants seemed a bit tighter around the waist for some reason. Weird..they fit fine yesterday. Maybe my clothes shrunk overnight.

"Honey? Are you finally awake yet? I've made lunch and Timmy will be back at school in an hour", a feminine voice called down from downstairs. Great..Timmy was probably wondering where he was the morning. Can I do anything right?

Cosmo sloppy made his way downstairs towards the kitchen table, where the BLT sandwiches seemed to have a rather strong aroma. He gagged a bit as the smell hit his nose, but didn't want to fly off to the bathroom in case he had offended his wife. Wanda looked towards him and frowned.

"What's wrong? I thought you liked these? If you wanted something else, you could have said something.", she said. Cosmo shook his head.

"No. I don't think it's that. I don't feel too well, Wanda."

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