Chapter 12

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The blank white light shined brightly in Cosmo's face as he was situated in the cyan sheets, his feet propped up against metal stir ups. His stomach felt as if it was about to explode as he slowly figured out where he was, barely able to maintain steady breathes. He leaned against the bed, resting his head on the pillow until he felt his stomach punch him again, forcing him to scream.

"Honey, you're gonna be ok. Just take deep breathes and..", Papa Cosmo was cut off by Cosmo's harsh tone.

"W-Where's Wanda? She needs to be here-OW! SHIT!", Cosmo screamed, ignoring his father's uncomfortable squeaks. Papa Cosmo squirmed as Cosmo struggled in the bed, trying to reposition himself so the contractions weren't as harsh.

"I-I called her..she's coming soon."

"Well she better hurry up! I don't know how much more of this I can take! AAH!", Cosmo screamed again, just as the door busted open. "Wanda! Where have you been?"

"I-I'm sorry Cosmo. I'm here now.", Wanda said, grabbing his hand on the right side of the bed. "Why don't you just focus on your breathing and relax-"

"RELAX? Easy for you to say! Did you happen to forget YOU did this to me? I CAN'T RELAX GOD DAMNIT!", Cosmo shouted as a much harsher contraction hit, forcing him to lunge almost completely across the bed. Dr.Studwell, finally looking up from his collection of hot women, looked at Cosmo with a smug yet somewhat concerned look.

"Well, you look like you're in a lot of pain, Cosmo."


"Here, if you'll stop lunging, let me take a look and see if you're ready to push yet.", Dr.Studwell said, checking the cervix with a small frown on his face, "Looks like you're only about 6 cm dilated. You still gotta hang in there. Just relax and everything will turn out just fine, just like me."

"Oh god..why did we think this was a good idea?", Cosmo whimpered, now starting to sob as the last contraction settled down a bit. "Can't the baby just be born yet?"

"No sweetheart. If you push too early, it can damage your cervix and make the delivery worse.", Wanda explained, mildly unsettled by Cosmo's glare, "Just trust me on this, Cosmo."

"I-I know, but it just hurt so bad and I'm so hot...OH MOTHER FUCKER!", Cosmo screamed again, making both the doctor and this family jump. Dr. Studwell grabbed his wand and poofed up a bucket of ice, shoveling a piece up for Cosmo.

"Here, let the cube melt into your mouth. It will give you something to focus your energy on instead of your contractions, and it will keep you cool. ", he said, stuffing the cube into his mouth before he could protest. Cosmo's body relaxed slightly as the ice turned to water, finally allowing him to lie back down on the bed.

"W-Wanda..I-I don't know if I can keep doing this. I want her out now..", Cosmo whined as if he were a toddler, "I'm not strong enough."

"She will come out when it's time. Don't rush the process, Cosmo, or things will get worse.", Wanda sighed sadly, stroking his hand for comfort, "You're doing great, darling. Once you've dilated enough, then the hard part will be over, and we'll have our baby. I promise it will all be worth it if you give it time and patience."

"B-But it's been 9 hours already! How much longer can this take?"

"Well it depends. Some men are able to give birth after only a few hours, and others go over 48..", Dr.Studwell started, Wanda's glare shutting him up.


"Cosmo! Relax!", Wanda yelled, "Quit talking. Just breathe."

Not wanted to anger his wife any further, Cosmo did as he was told, the breathing somewhat helping with the contractions, although Cosmo still felt like he was getting run over. Papa Cosmo kept rubbing his left hand and whispering comforting words to him while Dr. Studwell would pass him some more ice cubes and occasionally check on his cervix, slowly but surely making progress.

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