Chapter 6

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TW: Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Toxic Parents

Cosmo paused for a minute, unsure of how to process the information. He waited for a few seconds in case Chelsea had decided to call and prank him, or if she were being sarcastic and he didn't understand. In hopes that she was joking, Cosmo began to laugh until his hormones made it so he legitimately thought she was being funny.

"What's so funny?", Chelsea asked. Cosmo could barely speak between laughs.

"Ah,'re so funny! a prank, isn't it? There's no...huff..way Schnozmo would let himself get caught! Man, you had me worried there for a minute!"

"Who said I was joking?", Chelsea asked, a slightly snappy yet concerned tone in her voice. As soon as she said that however, Cosmo's laughter halted, replaced by a nervous, almost nauseating feeling in his stomach. "I'm sorry Cosmo. I'm sure you didn't want to hear this on top of your pregnancy."

"So Schnozmo really is in jail?", he whimpered, followed by a sad mhm from Chelsea. "What for?"

"Embezzlement and Fraud. I don't know all the details, but that's what he said when he called me."

"Does anyone else know?"

"Other than you, no. It would just break dad's heart if he found out the son that he helped raise ended up in prison, and there's no way Mama would help him out. When he moved out, she said something along the lines of him leaving being the best thing to happen in a long time."

"Wow. I can't believe it.", Cosmo said, "B-But why'd he call you? I figured he'd ask mom or dad for bail money before turning to you."

"Like I said, there's no way Mama would help him out. Sad thing is, I think Schnozmo's pretty much accepted his relationship with her. As far as dad's concerned, he's just as powerless as we are. He depends on Mama taking care of him financially as much as she depends on him cleaning the house and raising us. Mama's not the type of hand out favors for free, you know. If she doesn't benefit from it, she doesn't want anything to do with you. You know this, Cosmo."

"B-But that's selfish!"

"Yeah but that's just how she is. Believes everything revolves around her.", Chelsea growled, "I hadn't spoken to her in forever and frankly, I don't ever plan to."

"What about Schnozmo? He can't stay in jail! Can't we do something?"

"I've been saving up portions of my income to cover his bail, but unless you want to ask someone about money, then I don't know what to tell you, Cosmo.", Chelsea sighed, "Guess he'll see your child when they're 12 or 13."

"B-But he'll be missing out!"

"Believe me, Cosmo. I'm doing everything I can but his bail is set for $40,000 and at the rate I'm earning, Schnzomo might have grown a beard by the time I get the money.", Chelsea groaned, "Not to mention, y daily expenses that I have o pay. You know, to eat and live somewhere other than Mama's?"

"W-Well, I can try and talk to her if you want me to. She's not happy with me right now either."

"Really? I thought you were the favorite golden child!", Chelsea snarked, half jokingly, half serious.

"Hey! It's not like I asked to be!", Cosmo snapped, "She's mad at me because I got upset when I went to get lunch with her and dad. She didn't like the idea that I still love my wife."

"Hey, it's your funeral pal.", Chelsea said, "Alright, I gotta go. My next gig is starting soon and I gotta get my make up on. Let me know when the baby shower is and I'll try to be there, even I I gotta avoid Mama."

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