23: I Never Said That Y/n Had Any Brain Cells Lmao

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Lmao not me writing and the having to tap out bc of carpal tunnel kicking my ass

(Wow this one is way longer than usual. Tbh I couldn't find a good place to split it up, rip)

You sat on your bed, thinking about your conversation with Mina. You weren't interested so why were you even bothering? Because you were too much of a coward to say no? The guy didn't scare you, he just seemed weird. But Bakugo's reaction had been even more odd. Was he getting a vibe that you weren't? Was he better at detecting creeps than you were? Or was he just being oddly weird about some guy asking you out?

After your call, you ended up thinking about Bakugo more and why he reacted that way. So you decided to shoot him a text just to talk and see if you could figure out why he was being weird. Yeah, you had texted him before, but things still felt weird with him. There was a tension that you couldn't quite place. Maybe if you weren't so dense, you'd understand, but you were never good with the more complicated social things. So honestly, who knew?

You: Hey lol

Bakugo: I thought you were on a date

You: It's not quite time yet

Bakugo: So you're talking to me instead of him?

You: I'll have that dumb date to talk to him on

Bakugo: Oh so NOW you think it's dumb

Bakugo: Just cancel, it's not like you're gonna see him again anyway

You: Nah man, I already put on my dress. At the very least, I'm gonna walk around town and look pretty >;)

Bakugo: I thought you didn't care about beauty standards or whatever

You: The pretty comes from the confidence, and I will be the best looking bitch in the restaraunt

You: restuarant



You: how the fuck do you spell that?

You: Autocorrects not helping me

You: Bakugo pls lend me a brain cell so I can speall restarutan

Bakugo: With brains like that, it's a good thing you look pretty




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