Kaname's POV

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Written by silver_lion17

     As I kiss Zero's knee, I see a faint blush creeping his cheeks. The thought makes me smile, and my power immediately heals Zero's broken ankle and scraped knee.

     When I finish, I look at the ground, not knowing what to do next. I had come out here to help Zero, but now that I have, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do next.

     A flicker of movement comes from my left and I see Zero move his hand towards my face. His hand starts to cradle my cheek. At first, I am hit with confusion, but then, I find myself leaning into his hand, wanting to feel the warmth and love radiating from his embrace.

     Zero's face starts to lean closer to mine. It seems to me, that I'm not acting like myself, but everything happening right now, feels so right.

     I feel soft, warm, loving lips make contact to my cheek. Closing my eyes, I enjoy the moment.

     Well... while it lasts.

     Zero pulls away and roughly removes his hands from my cheek. Both of our faces start to heat up. From love? Yes, from me. But from Zero? I'm starting to think his face is red from embarrassment.

     I feel a pain in my chest just thinking about it. It seemed as if he did so out of love, but his actions have proved it otherwise.

     "Don't anything about this you damn pureblood." Zero says cold-heartedly.

     His words hit me hard. Like a vampire hunters sword penetrating my heart. My next actions are something I've never done before.

     I stand up quickly, tears welling up in my eyes, and run to the Moon Dorms. As I pass other night class students, I see worried looks on their faces.

     Their footsteps follow behind me as I run up the stairs and into my room, slamming the door and falling on the bed.

     Uncontrollable sobs racket my body as the windows in the Moon Dorms rattle ad break. As the crying continues, my whole dorm room looks as if a tornado has run through.

     I hear desperate knocks on my door and the outraged cries of people asking what's wrong.

     How will I tell them?

     I just can't.

     As I keep on crying to myself, I feel myself drifting out of consciousness.

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