Important Message

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This is Bear, here. This has nothing to do with the story and will be the last part to join this spectacular book. I have a few things to say, and they are really important, so if you could keep reading that would be lovely.

First off, going back through this book and revising, editing, and reforming it has made me realize something. Almost every one of Zero's chapters had some sort of trigger warning labeled to it, and that makes me sick at myself. This is supposed to be for your enjoyment, Reader, so putting something so depressing in my chapters really makes me do a double take. I apologize if I did trigger anyone, since some chapters didn't have the proper label necessary to warn people of what lies inside. Again, I apologize for my mistake. I have decided not to change any of the story, no matter how depressing Zero is, because so many people have enjoyed it the way it is. I will try my hardest to not make my other stories this sad or despairing. 

Another thing concerns the second book. I don't believe that it is posted on Lions page, and I apologize for that as well. We began writing it before she moved, yet never finished. I want this story to continue and for this legacy to live on and become something amazing, and I whole heartedly plan to do that. That also means if I have to consult with Lion and say that the book needs to be posted here, for me too take care of, that's what is going to happen. I will push myself to get this sequel and every part of it out for all of you.

I love you all, every single one of you Killjoys who have stuck with this story. It warms me to my core to think I put out something that so many people enjoy! To this day, I get notifications that say that someone else has added my story to a reading list. It makes me smile from ear to ear to see the comments you guys leave. I do wish I could reply  to more of them, but I still love to read them and get a good laugh. I don't care about getting popularity from this book, though it's nice. I care about making someone's day with my stories, and I hope that's what I'm doing with you. I love you, and GOODBYE!

- Your favorite Bear

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