𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙚

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Written in second person point of view.


You landed on your back against the cold hard ground, as Maki Zenin swung her spear at you.

You were just about to tackle her down, but her reactions were fast— she immediately swung her spear right at you, leaving you no choice but to pull back. Luckily you were able to dodge just right in time, responding quickly— although your cheek did get scratched, it was nothing too serious. Your landing was even worse though.

There you layed in the ground, almost unconcious and unable to move. You try to get up, but your limbs just won't cooperate— you still have yet to regain your full strength as you are still in the process of healing after getting a severe injury from one of your missions.

You tried to focus on Maki, as your eyes immediately shot up seeing a sharp object headed your way. You tried to roll to your side, but the object was approaching fast and you were moving too slow out of pain, and exhaustion. You shut your eyes tightly, preparing yourself for the impact.


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Someone said in a powerful- yet soothing voice, and you knew that voice very well.

You open your eyes to two white shoes planted on the ground. Inumaki stood there blocking you— and he had stopped the spear from moving any further mid-air.
You let out a breath in relief. If Inumaki hadn't stepped in— you really would've ended up a chicken in a stick.

"Tuna Tuna! Mustard Leaf!" — what he meant was, 'are you okay?'

Toge was now on his knees, his face displaying worry and concern. "Hey hey. Don't worry, I'm okay." You look at him, flashing him a small smile to reassure and he gently ran his hand over your hair, his face softened although there was still a hint of worry behind his eyes.

Speaking of eyes— you could feel everyone's stare at you and Inumaki, as he gripped your arm to carefully pull you up. You look around to see them having that suspicious look, but also grinning. You roll your eyes at them and stumbled forward as you tried to walk— you would've fallen face flat if Inumaki had not caught you in his arms.

You were basically hugging him! Your forehead was pressed onto his chest, as he had his arms around you. Blood immediately rushes to your cheeks as and you pull back trying hard to steady yourself.

'Get it together, y/n!' You thought to yourself in embarrassment.

"Tuna mayo?"

Toge asked if you were okay, a faint blush visible on his cheeks. You nodded quickly— responding faster than usual "Yes! AhAhA- yes! definitely!", you were still in so much pain but you couldn't focus on it much, when your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest with what just happened—- But you try to shake it off, and stiffly walk with him to regroup with the others.

𝙏. 𝙄𝙣𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙞  || 𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙊𝙏𝙎 Where stories live. Discover now