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"Now class today the head mistress has told me to inform you that we shall be having a Halloween mask party this term." Professor Longbottom says. I instantly look at Hannah as she brightens. "Yes you may bring a date to the ball or come solo that's entirely up to you." He continues. I felt my cheeks heat up at the prospect if a bit actually wanting to ask me to the ball. The marauders were talking excitedly to the back of the class maybe planning another prank. I knew Hannah despised them especially their leader Derrick.

After class Hannah and I walked through the halls thinking of the ball. "Chelsea C-can I talk to you really quick?" Joshua asks as Hannah grins walking off. "Sure.." he turns to me and conjures a rose blushing. "Will you be my date to the Halloween ball?" He asks as his cheeks turn pink. I Bute my lip as my cheeks heat up and a group of year five girls coo at us cutely. "Okay yes." I whisper taking the rose before walking off and fanning my face.


"Ask her already!" Hannah said as we sat in the library. She knew I was crushing on her cousin Selina and that made me more nervous. "I look over to the said brunette as she studied at a table with a few friends from Ravenclaw. "Okay.." I breathe getting up and walking over to her. "Selina Weasley will you be my date to the ball?" I ask in front of her friends as they giggle and she looks up smiling softly. "Well of course Raniel thanks for asking." She says as I then conjure a white rose handing it to her before hurrying away as her table giggled.

"That wasn't so bad was it now?" Hannah smiles as I sat back down with my face red as a tomato. We finished up homework and as we reached the corridor i scream as I feel myself lifted by the ankle and into the air. "You put him down right now Derrick!" Hannah shouts pointing her wand at the group as he frowned at her. She looked pissed and I could tell even if I was upside down. "Aww come on Potter we 're only having a little fun now." Derrick says grinning at her.


Nobody knew really how much I hated his guts so bad that I felt like heading him everyday. "Derrick out him down or I swear I will hate you for the rest if your worthless life you prat!" I say coldly. He frowns before letting Raniel fall to the ground and I quickly help him up glaring at that arse. "You know if you keep saving me from him I'm gonna look weak." Raniel sighs. I hug him closely. "You're not weak Raniel you're brave in your own way okay." I say smiling at him as he blushes.

As we get to the dining hall I slide in between Selina and her brother Frank. "So cousins you all get dates to the ball yet?" I giggle as Frank turned red like uncle Ron all around his ears and neck. "Yes actually I'm taking Trina Oakley from Hufflepuff. "Frank grins as I follow his eyes to the blonde hairstyle born girl with crystal blue eyes. "What about you Selina?" I ask giggling. She looked around quickly. "Raniel asked me." She whispered smiling with a faint blush.

I grabbed a few slices of cheesecake and I was full for the night. I told the others that I was headed upstairs but I really went to the owlery to visit Lunar. She flew down onto my arm gently as usual. "Hey girl want to pay me mum a visit?" I whisper to her. She hoots happily as I quickly pull out a parchment and quill starting to write. Dear Mum and dad, how are things at home especially with the guys? I hope you all are fine and p.s mum there is a ball this Saturday I'm so nervous about who's going to ask me as their date but anyway lots of love Hannah AKA Lily.

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