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:: "Hurt me with the truth," ::

In the living room with a warm yellow light on, giving off a relaxing vibe. However, the tension between the two lovers is high, with their hands running over each other's body, smooching, tounges colliding, saliva mixed, letting out these sounds that turn on the mood even more. The itching feelings in their stomachs wanting to go further when one pulled away, thin line of saliva hanging between their lips, panting hard, catching some air after a long session of intense kisses.

"W-wait, Da-Dahyunie," Sana said still catching her breath. Her hand was on the pale one's chest to stop Dahyun from closing their gaps again. The Dubu whimpered like a baby who needs her milk, wanting to taste those honey-sweet lips again that are inviting her with glows and never let go.

"Why are we stopping- ugh! You really just turned me on with those moans you surpass and decided to hang me here?" Dahyun groaned in annoyance, wriggling her body as a sign of protest with her lips puckered and brows furrowed. Though the squirrel sees it as the cutest thing in the world rather than a protest, she lowers her head then pecked the girl's lips multiple times, then smackers on it for a last, making a pop sound while letting go.

"You are cute even whining my Dubu," Sana said with a wide grin, doing Eskimo kisses which the Korean dislikes a lot. Yes, it's a sweet gesture, but for Dahyun, it's a breathe-in of all the makeup powder on Sana's when the lady rubs her nose on hers.

"Ughhh stop! I swear I'm getting lung cancer because of your powder. Why do you need that when you're already pretty as fuck." The Korean complaint yet compliments her at the same time, wiping her nose to pat off those pollen-like powders. Sana kissed her once more as a thank and chuckled knowing the pale girl is annoyed, pinches her nose then pushes herself up from Dahyun's body to sit back on the couch.

"I'll stop. But you need to leave now, it's 10 already." Sana grabs Dahyun's belongings and pulled the girl up away from the couch, pushing her towards the door even though the other one is dumbfounded, not willing to go yet.

"Oh c'mon, babe. Mina-unnie isn't here. Jihyo-unnie is probably sleeping dead right now."

"I doubt the latter. I bet she's waiting for our loud moans to appear so she can film it down on her phone then tease us for our whole life." Sana turns her head towards the stairs and says in an incredibly loud voice just to let the latter know she has a clue about her nasty plan and she's not wrong at all. Jihyo's stumbling sound with a faint 'crap' coming from the upstairs verified the snake's guess, which Sana mentally noted herself for whooping that big eye's ass later before facing back to Dahyun. "And you, you're leaving, sweetie." She then said, opens the door, and pushes the pale girl out but failed as Dahyun held on to the door frame tightly, using every strength in her to avoid stepping out from this house.

"Well, I'm not leaving. Plus, Jihyo-unnie's single ass might learn something from us."

"DAMN YOU KIM DAHYUN!" Jihyo cussed from upstairs which made the two laugh.

"Even so, you are still going. I mean you have nothing to do staying here," Sana said, really wants the pale girl to go home. It's because she's afraid that Mina will come back in the morning and she'll bump into the two on the bed, and everything will be a disaster. She can't risk that, not the slightest. Dahyun however, is not taking any of Sana's words seriously, the pale girl thought her girlfriend was just teasing her after having that hot session.

"Oh, baby. You are so wrong, I got lots to do here." Dahyun smirked mischievously with her pupils dilated, darkening. Before Sana could react, Dahyun attacked her lips which made the squirrel caught off guard by the sudden action, dropping the girl's belongings on the floor.

Hard Love: Homophobic - Michaeng || Book I  [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now