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:: "It's you that I lie with," ::

"Baby!" Letting go of her luggage sliding off to the slide, she jumps into Chaeyoung's arms who has been waiting for her arrival since an hour ago.

Today is the day the two finally reunite after their short new year break. Mina's plane arrives in the afternoon around four which Chaeyoung goes to the airport with Jihyo's accompany early once they finish their lunch. They stopped by a candy shop, buying some of the Japanese favorite sweets. Then Jihyo went to the small stall beside, buying some tteokbokkis as they thought the penguin might be craving some after leaving the country for almost two weeks. After that, they head off to the airport. Arriving around three, being an hour early. They decided to find a place to seat and rest while waiting for the Japanese flight to land.

"Hey Princess, I miss you." Chaeyoung catches the girl with a little bit of stumble due to the force crashing on her body. Mina buries her head in the cub's neck, inhaling in a large breath of her favorite strawberry scent, with her legs tangled on the Korean's waist and arms surrounding her neck while Chaeyoung's hands are on her back thigh, supporting her weight on her body.

"Hmm... I miss you more." The ticklish sniffs and hot breaths blow on the cub's neck causing her to giggle with her shoulders up and head moving due to the sensation. In their own little worlds, the love birds completely ignored the company, not until she let out a loud cough that manages to catch their attention and detaches the two away from each other's bodies.

"Trust me, if I wasn't here, you'd already been making out right here."

"Oh, I trust you," Mina grinned at the school president with a wink, making the girl shake her head at the bald penguin then facepalmed. "By the way, nice seeing you again Thomas." She then added with a chuckle, her hands holding onto Chaeyoung's, fingers locked as the two walked past the lone president.

"I should've brought Tzuyu with me." Mumbling to herself as she quickly catches up to the love bird's pace that is marching towards the parking lot where the cub parked her black Toyota at.


"Ah! Finally, some clean and peace for my eyes and ears." Jihyo exclaimed with her eyes closed once she stepped into her house. Mina, of course, is spending her night before school at her girlfriend's, which Jihyo can't be appreciated any more. On their way back from the airport, Jihyo has witnessed enough cheesy and flirting scenes, it's as if she's watching a rated movie with inappropriate jokes contained. For her whole existence, she has never thought such words could come out from that penguin. Turns out Mina wasn't that innocent at all. It's either the cub's affection or Mina herself is that way from the beginning, just the girl hiding it well, that's all.

"Hu..." Jihyo released a lungful sigh of relaxation with her hands doing in a motion of breath in and out then expands, stretching her long seated muscles, but a high pitched scream in surprise escaped her mouth as she opened her eyes, seeing two figures sitting on her living room sofa, staring at her like she's some weird lady that intrudes their house when it should be the opposite.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Still not lowing her voice, she asked with eyes open wide at the two who are looking relaxed and casual. "The fuck are you two doing in my house!" Jihyo asks, putting down her keys as she makes her way near the two at a fast pace, standing next to the table that's in between them. "No, wait," Her fingers were on the bridge of her nose, rubbing it as a sign of confusion and frustration getting on her. "How in the world did you get in here?!" This should be the question; the president remembers vividly that she locks the door before heading out earlier.

Hard Love: Homophobic - Michaeng || Book I  [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now