Chapter 4, 2568 A.D., Isaak Heald, Green team leader

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As I walk up to the Blue Team leader, I adjust my scabbard, nervous that I would screw up on my first time commanding an entire team. When I come close, the Blue Team leader sees me "Hey, you must be new. I'm Mitchell." I nervously stammer back a "Hi, I'm Isaak." Mitchell laughs and says "No need to be nervous, we'll get through this." Then he turns and starts towards the command center, turns back, and calls "Ya coming?" I accelerate into a jog and follow him.

As I enter the command center, I marvel at the holographic diagram in the middle of the circle of risers. Being a rookie fresh out of training, I've only worked with paper 2D maps. I then take my place with Mitchell. "Kyler, you will be in the air, making sure there are no surprises." a blue holographic plane appears above everything. "Isaak, you and your team are on assault." a green line of soldiers appear midway down the field. my breath starts to pick up when Mitchell says "and Jeremy, you have support." Great. What is one man going to do? As I'm thinking, a massive, four story, football field size, armored car type vehicle with a massive rail gun on top and numerous turrets on top and on the sides. I was suddenly feeling a lot less nervous. "Everyone else is with me on defense. now move out!" A hearty "Huah!" Follows

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