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Hey everyone! This is my first time writing a fan fic! I love one direction so much and I know Harry would never bully a girl (: anyway, do give me ideas along the way and tell me what I can improve on!! Do support and read my fan fic! It would mean a lot!!!

Isabelle xx

Do follow me on Twitter if you'd like:


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Lol! xx

Oh and P.S.

one direction isn't popular in this fan fic (:

Intro: Laura's POV


I'm Laura Jessica Payne. I'm from Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England. I stay with my aunt in London and my brother, Liam Payne stays with his good friends (Louis, Zayn, Niall and Harry) in London too. They stay a few streets away from me. You must be wondering why I don't live with my brother or parents. Well, my parents died in a car accident 2 years ago. And for Liam, we have not communicated for a year now.. Ever since a fight we had last year.. Okay, enough of all this information. Well, I used to like Harry. But things changed over the pass two years. Now, he bullies me in school everyday. It's been really tough on me ever since my parents passed away. Oh and liam doesnt even know that Harry bullies me. What's more, my aunt treats me like crap. She's always out partying leaving me all alone at home. She doesn't even take care of me. She doesn't cook. So I end up being the cook. And sometimes there's no food left in the fridge. So I end up starving myself. But I've been skipping meals every now and then. And I sometimes throw up after eating. I just don't have any you can call me anorexic. Okay I'm serious now. I think this intro is too long. Moving on to the story!

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