Chapter 3

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Harry's POV


"Hmm, so your sister will be staying with us from now on?" I asked.

"Yeah, do you mind though? I feel really bad or not taking care of Laura as an elder brother and she's been suffering throughout the years. Getting bullied at school to getting abused at home. I can't let her get hurt anymore." He looked really sad that Laura has gone through all of that, neither did I know she got abused at home. But whatever. That's not gonna stop me from putting fear into her life. You must be wondering why I bully her though. Well, 4 years ago, when i started becoming buddies with Liam, he introduced me to Laura.. It was love at first sight for me. She was.. Well, beautiful and young. I always tried making the first move when it came to going out and texting, but she didn't seem to like me. She was really nice to everyone so I didn't know if she had any feelings for me, which gave me false hopes about being in a relationship with her. I decided to confess to her. Never did I know, she had a boyfriend. I got really angry. I mean, how could she hide about her relationship to me? She rejected me and I felt really hurt. I didn't bother listening to her explanation. I hated her. A few months went by and the guy dumped her. Serves that bitch right she deserves it. Yeah, so end of story. This is why I bully her now. I want her to know how it feels like being hurt. But I must say, she's still quite attractive though. Wait what did I just no, she's an ugly whore. Liam and I chatted for a bit. i just lazed around with Zayn and Louis until Laura arrived with Liam and Niall. She looked really nervous which made me happy. She said hi to all the boys. She was really friendly to them except to me. She's stammered while saying hi to me. Ha, she was such a loser. After chatting, she got to her room to unpack her stuff I decided to scare her a bit. I creeped up on her. She saw me and dropped the stuff she had in her hands. "Hey coward, you're gonna be living in hell from now on" and I slapped her across the face. "Don't you tell Liam or any of the boys that I bully you. You get me?" I said threateningly. I just loved doing this to her, making her terrified. She nodded her head vigorously and I got out if the room.


Finally! Supper was ready! I felt really hungry, but of course, I wasn't as hungry as Niall though. We ate a lot. I just loved Liam's cooking! I observed Laura. She didn't touch her food at all. She looked really uneasy when the boys were stuffing her mouth with food. After swallowing her food, she went to the bathroom. Zayn went to check on her. She was really good friends with Zayn. After some time, they came back out. Zayn had a worried expression plastered across his face. "You okay Laura?" Liam asked. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She chuckled. She sounds like a duck when she chuckles. Hmm.. I'm guessing she's anorexic though. Something just told me she was.



"Harry.. Harry wake up." Niall whispered. "The boys and I are going for our morning run. Laura's still sleeping. We'll get going first. See you and Laura at the hill!!!" So, the boys and I go for our morning runs every alternate mornings and we always run to the top of a hill near our house.. Now, there's gonna be Laura. Running alone with me. This is gonna be fun. I got up and got ready.

Laura's POV


"Oi, get up. We're going for a morning run." I fluttered my eyes open. Harry was standing in front of me. I shot up from my bed. "Oh, umm, okay. Where are the rest?" "They got up earlier and went first. So this leaves me and you." And he winked. Ewwwww... This is gonna be bad.. I got out of bed and went to get ready. When I went downstairs, Harry was eating his breakfast. I didn't bother eating, considering the fact that I was gonna be going for a run. But nah. I don't even eat breakfast on a daily basis! So i should be able to survive this run.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Harry said with his mouth full. "Nope.. Not hungry.." "Whatever fits you then." We got of the house and started to run. "Where are we going? I said, panting heavily. "To the hill. The boys are meeting us right at the top." Harry was such a fast runner. I couldn't catch up with him. He was far ahead o me. It's been 10 minutes and I feel faint and my head was throbbing already. "H-Harry, I can't run anymore. I think I'm gonna faint." I shouted, loud enough for him to hear. "Just keep running. Stop giving excuses." He growled an rolled his eyes. I couldn't take it anymore.. I blacked out...


Hey guys, sorry that this chapter is short! I'll try to make it longer for my other chapters! But chapter 4 is gonna be short too... So chapter 5 maybe?(:

Do comment and vote if I should continue!Thank you xxx

Isabelle x

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