Chapter 6

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Harry's POV


The next day, I woke up pretty early to make breakfast. I knew that Laura was already awake as I creeped up on her. Not saying that I'm like that all the time though.i then went to cook bacon with eggs and made some fresh orange juice. I called Laura down for breakfast. She seemed pretty satisfied with me being topless... After breakfast? I went to have a little "cuddle session" as Louis and I would say. The cuddling didn't mean anything to me though. I wonder what she felt. But anyway.. I don't like her. She's a pain in my beautiful ass and she's an ugly whore.. So whatever.


Laura's POV


Okay, so basically, it was really weird cuddling with Harry. I know he's hot and all.. I can say that I still somewhat like him but I can't. He's my bully and no one can ever change that. He hates me and finds me ugly. Anyway, we're going out in an hours time to the mall. He wants to go shopping. Such a vain beat. Even I have lesser clothing than he does!! I then went to take a shower and dress up. I tied my hair into a top knot and wore something more fancy today:

I then went to put some make up on. I felt so... Girly. I went downstairs. Harry looking at me, somewhat disgusted and said "oh my Laura! You look horribly ugly! No matter how nicely you dress up, you'll look ugly! Now, go and change into something that's more... You." With that, he went off to start the car and waited for me inside. I felt really really hurt. I tried looking better because I wanted to feel better about myself. Sigh, I guess I'll never be beautiful. I then went to change into some skinny jeans and a hoodie and went to take some make up off.


*at the mall*

"So... Where are we going?" I asked curiously. "Jack Wills of course! I need to get another hoodie." "Oh.. Okay" after buying his hoodie, we went to hollister then to Starbucks. He bought a hell lot of stuff. "What do you want?" He asked. I really felt like drinking Starbucks. I've not drank it in years!!! But..Nah.. It was fattening. I can't afford to put on any weight! "Um.. No thanks, don't feel like drinking it today." "Ok" he ordered salted caramel with an oreo cheesecake. Oh it looked so yummy..): "why don't you want some?! It's yummy!!!!" Harry said? Sounding like a child. "It's.. Fattening. I just can't and I'm not hungry." "You're weird. You're already looking like a skeleton. You do know that you'll get even uglier than you already are once you've become skinnier right?" He said, shaking his head. Once again, ouch. It really hurts to be insulted. I just kept quiet.



I felt really sad and depressed for some reason. I needed a razor. I went to my drawer to dig out that razor ive not used for a long time. It was so precious. I then took it, sat on my floor beside my bed. I slit the razor over my wrist and I winced in pain, but I need to feel the pain to ease my emotions I was feeling. I continued slitting. I had one deep slit and it was bleeding profusely. Oh how I wish I could black out and never wake up. I slitted a few more when... Harry walked in. Shit... Didn't lock the bloody door.

Harry's POV


I know you guys must be thinking how much of a dick I am to Laura. Well, I agree with you. I am mean, but I can't help it. I just needed to vent my anger on her. I liked seeing her intimidated by me. I decided to go sneak up on her. I know. I get really restless and sneak up on people. I even do that to the boys. I pushed the door opened. There, lying in front of me was a weak Laura curled up on the ground with blood all over her and a razor in her hand. I was in complete shock. "What the fuck Laura!" I shouted. What the hell was she doing to herself?! I pulled her up and help her In my arms. She looked so pale, like she was gonna pass out any minute. I quickly grabbed a towel, wet it and placed it gently on her wrists. I wrapped her into my embrace an she fell asleep. I think she was cutting because of me. I was too hard on her casing her names. Maybe I should really stop now. No matter how hard it's gonna be, I'll try being Nice to her even if she finds it weird. I can't let her self harm herself anymore. To be honest, she's beautiful. Very actual. I can't stand myself for bullying her, but I can't help but remember what she did to me. I still feel hurt.. So I just laid there with Laura in my arms and dozed off myself..

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