Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Driving home, I was giddier than I should have been. I almost felt guilty for hanging out with Andrew, even though I really hadn't intended to. I had every intention of blowing him off and going for a drive. It was just my luck that I stumbled upon the meeting place he had alluded to in his note. How would I have even found that place if I wanted to? I didn't even see the dock that he had mentioned.

Regardless, I don't think Derek would take kindly to the way I spent my night. Rather, who I spent my night with. And why should he? The girl he just kissed ran off to secretly hangout with some elite from his new circle that I had met at a party Derek reluctantly brought me to. I wouldn't be too happy with me either. However, he didn't own me or have any special claim on me. But again, I don't think Derek would see it that way. Best to keep this to myself for now. For all I know, Andrew would forget all about me tomorrow and go off with some random glitzy richie. I didn't take him for the one-woman man type.

Turning up the hill to Grams I saw a shadowy figure in the distance. Who would be lurking around this street at night? Gram's neighborhood was far from sketchy. I refrained from flicking my high beams on in the hopes of remaining stealth. As stealth as the only car on the street could be. Closing the gap between us I saw Kara walking her dog. I pulled over to lower my window to her.

"Kind of late for a dog walk, don't ya think?"

"I know, but when he wants to go, he wants to go," Kara replied with a tug from the leash. "Where were you tonight?"

I paused for a moment considering what I would tell her. I could easily lie. Kara is so innocent and unsuspecting it wouldn't be hard. But I quickly disregarded that thought and wanted to tell her. She was my best friend. There were enough people I was being shady with at the moment to add another to the list.

"Want to come over when you're done and I'll tell you about it," I replied with a sigh.

Instantly intrigued with curiosity Kara said she'd be right over. "Let me just get Sammy to do number two and I'll be right over!" With another hard tug from the chocolate lab they both stumbled away on a mission.

I pulled into the empty driveway and saw no lights on in the house. Gram wasn't kidding when she said don't wait up. I was led inside by a few fireflies and greeted by the residue smell of firewood. I flicked on the lights and placed my bag of chocolate pretzels on the counter. No doubt I would be opening those later. Rummaging through the fridge for instant savory gratification I came up empty. Gram wasn't much of a cook and seldom had real food in the house. Unlike my mother, who despite her crazy schedule managed to cook dinner almost every night and always had left overs. Both amazing women but in vastly different ways.

I closed the door to the fridge and simultaneously heard the front door creak open. Assuming it was Kara just letting herself in since I hadn't seen any headlights flash through the kitchen window signaling Gram coming home.

"We had Chinese for dinner," she announced as she came into the kitchen with a box full of white and red take-out cartons. "Figured you'd be hungry or that Gram would have no food in the house."

"You're an angel," I smiled. "And a psychic because I was just rummaging for food."

I hiked up on one of the barstools at the island in the kitchen and dove right into some chicken and broccoli. Kara retrieved us some drinks and excitedly sat next to me.

"So, spill!" she said clutching her glass.

"Well," I revved up to tell her about everything that happened with Andrew, starting with last night at the party, to the note he left me this morning to meet him, and then finally what happened when we hung out tonight. She was definitely a little surprised, she hadn't suspected much between me and Andrew aside from just a mild interest he may have had for me, or rather my necklace.

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