Run Up On Em In The Middle Of The Night And Kill Em

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that's mr ghoste aka white-hair xox

don't ask me what happened with this chapter, i'm losing my sanity and grasp of reality

that and i forgot how to write so- i'm sorry



"But Vic-"


Alex breathes out.



"It could be g-"


Alex sighs, fed up already.

"Why not?"

"Because no," Vic shrugs. 



Alexander groans.

"Why are you such a hardhead?" 

"Because," Victor shrugs again.

Alex lets out an even more exasperated groan.

"Fuck's sake! Victor!"

Victor huffs.

"Listen, man. If you wanna go then go. No one is holding you back. You do what you think it's better for you."

Alex grumbles and nods and scratches the back of his head a little bit ashamed. He mumbles something unintelligible. Vic furrows his eyebrows.


"I said," Alex exhales. "It'snotjusme"

Victor makes a face and cranes his neck. "What?"

"It's not just me," Alex says, not meeting his eyes. Victor stares. "Everyone else agreed..."

Victor blinks.

"Wait, hold up," Victor puts a finger up. "You talked to everyone else? I was there with you... But I'm the last one to know?"

"You're sounding like my mom!" Alex suddenly shouts. He shifts embarrassed. "It's uncomfortable!"

Victor stays silent. His silence only makes Alex shift on his feet again, rubbing his arm like a scolded child. He grumbles again.

"Listen, exactly because you were there that you were the last one I had to talk with. Especially when you got all weird. I just- I-" Another sigh. Alex is definitely not good with talking.

"Nobody else refused?" Victor interrupts Alexander. The latter answers by shaking his head. 

"So- please?"

Victor stays silent for a bit as he stares at his counterpart. Alex seems a bit hopeful but also still uneasy because Victor is giving him a not so good look.


Alex breathes out. He looks out at the hotel's hallway. Maybe waiting until the last day to talk to Victor was not a good idea like he thought it would be. Alexander shifts on his feet but then his eyes catch sight of Jaime and his face is lightening up. Alex waves his arms and, with a quirk of his eyebrows, Jaime makes his way to them. 

"Y'all good?"

"He said no," Alex blurts out before Jaime can even finish. He opens his mouth to say something.

"You- When did he ask you," Victor says faintly. Jaime stops. He analyses the closed off instance of his friend, crossed arms and blank face and all of that before he looks at Alex's desperate face. Jaime sighs. There's no use lying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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