the barbeque ☺

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Sorry guys its been so long I sorter just forgot about the book

Holly's POV ...

After school finished me and Chloe walked home since Harvey was going with bam to stay at Dan's . Chloe was staying at mine as were going to the barbeque tommorow , I came believe Leo invited me I'm still shaking thinking about it.

As we were going to sleep Chloe told me this amazing joke and I couldn't stop laughing I just couldn't wait till tomorrow .

Next day ---->

I woke up to someone jumping on me but then i realised  that it was my annoying best friend, we spent ages picking what to wear in the end I wore :

Leggings and my bars and melody top .

Chloe wore :

A skater skirt with a vest tucked in and a a necklace .

Chloe's POV ...

After getting dressed I got a call from Harvey just saying

good morning , how sweet can he get .

I had some nuttella on toast but I was really missing Harvey and I felt water slide dow my cheek , I must of been crying . Holly came down stairs running  "chloe was wrong !!" She just managed to Say.

I couldn't answere so I just cuddled into her.

Holly's pov ...

I was upstairs imaging what Leo would say to me when I could faintly here Chloe crying , I ran downstairs to see her on the floor with her knees against her chest.

See nobody knows this except me but chloe takes anti- depresent  abd when she does she's her normal bubly self but when she doesn't she gets really sad and emotional.  I got chloe some water and called Harvey saying that was upset but even Harvey didn't know about her taking pills .

Chloe s POV ...

"Babey what's the matter please don't cry " I know that voice from anywhere the way it sends tingles all through my body it was Harvey .

"I just miss you " I told him

"I miss you to babe but in gunning see you in the afternoon ,, no sh shs don't cry don't cry it's OK sh "

I couldn't stop crying , I don't know why i just couldnt.

Holly s POV ...

After Chloe was alright , we headed of to the barbeque .

I was really nervous to see leo again just looking into his eyes makes me blush , I then realised that we were at his door I slowly knocked on the door ...

OMG LEO ANSWERED IT  , wearing shorts and a tank top with ray bans ....SO HOT AHHHHHH

I must of been stearing cause someone coughed and I turned my head at Chloe and she wiggled her eye brows

"Omg you made it , I diddnt think you were going to come ...IMean not the. .t .h that I was waiting for you or nothing " Leo says and slitly blushes.

"Of course not " Chloe says sarcastically

"Well come in malaydes " Leo says and as I walk in his arm brushes against my arm

giving me guess bumps .

As we walk in chloe suddenly pushes past me by running to Harvey and jumping on him causing them both to land on the floor , Chloe stradling Harvey and they were hugging we all burst out laughing at the way they were sitting .

Leondre pulled me into the kitchen and asked if I wanted a drink I said yeah course and now were all sitting in the garden .

Chloe was sitting in between harveys legs on the floor and I was opposite her with Leo one side of me and charlie next to Harvey .

"Guys can we play truth or dare pweasee " I did my best puppy dog eyes and then Leo suddenly shouted "YESss" very enthustiasticly to be honest we all looked at him he just shrugged his shoulders .

"OK who's first den " Chloe questioned

Leos POV ...

I was watching holly out the corner of my eye , I don't know if this is to drastic but I think I really like holly I talked to charlie about this earlier today so he knows ...

"I will " charlie said wiggling his eye brows at me OH No I know what that means ...he wouldn't...would he ??

"Ok holly , truth or dare " he questioned

"Truth " aww I wish I could wake up to that voice every day .

"Pussy" Chloe says holly just smaks her head and chloe goes to tickle her but Harvey then starts tickling chloe .I seriously don't think they are JUST friends ...

Charlie thinks then says "ok , who would you date out of all the people here ??"

"Ummm " she looks a little cautious "leonndre...yeah I like his hair "WAIT WHAT holly what happened to colly

Chloe screamed .

Holly's POV ....
" aww don't worry I'll always love you "I said and give her a big hug she bites my neck and I scream cause it really hurt "Chloe what have I said about doing that " " I don't know cause I never listen " she replied smirking .

"Ok my go , chloe truth or dare "

"Dare cause I'm the dare queen bitches " she says

We all guddle then "ok ,go next door and ask the person if they have a condom " I say whilst trying not to laugh .

Chloe comes back a few minutes later red in the face

"Clo what happened "

"She gave me one then started talking about her favorite positions she and her husband like to do , a and she was like 70  ee www " chloe then took the condom out  of her pocket  "Harveys getting some tonight " I said chloe just hid her head in Harveys neck .

Me and Leo started talking about are hobbies and things  like that , turns out we have a lot in common then some strange noises appeared coming from Harvey , he was moaning . chloe then moved her head out of his neck and there was this massive love bite their .

Chloe then suddenly stood up sreaming ....

Thanks guys for reading love you vote and comment

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