I'm staying with you

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Summary: Javier and the reader have a child, when things start going downhill Javier has the choice of being loyal to you and his child or being loyal to Dutch.

Y/N: Your name
1472 words

I groaned and snuggled into Javier more as the light beamed through the tent, I heard light chuckles from Javier and giggles from Scarlet. Before I could open my eyes to see what was so funny I felt Javier's lips on mine for a quick kiss before quickly pulling away.

"Good morning hermosa" Javier said and smiled.

"Morning to you too" I said and pecked his cheek.

Javier chuckled before rubbing small circles on my hip, I smiled at him before feeling wiggling under the blanket I chuckled as Scarlet made her way to lay in-between me and Javier.

"Someone feel lonely?" Javier asked Scarlet.

"I want to hug ma as well" Scarlet said before attaching herself to me.

"What about a hug for pa?" Javier asked.

Scarlet playfully frowned before laughing, soon me and Javier started laughing as well. We didn't stay like this for long as we heard shouting come from outside.

"You two stay here, I'm going to see whats going on" Javier said before getting up and putting his jacket and shoes on.

I held Scarlet close to me and kissed the top of her head, soon after what felt like hours Javier returned with a blank look on his face.

"Pa, are you ok?" Scarlet asked and moved to hug him.

"I'm ok, I just need to talk with your ma" Javier said and smiled at Scarlet.

"Why don't you go and spend some time with uncle Arthur" I said to Scarlet and smiled.

Scarlet nodded her head before getting off the cot and putting her shoes on to go and look for Arthur. I smiled as I saw her sitting next to Arthur at the campfire before closing the tent flaps and turning to Javier.

"Everything ok?" I asked and sat next to him.

"No, the whole gang is falling apart and Dutch wants me by his side all the way" Javier explained before looking at me.

"What are you going to do?" I asked and looked at him.

Javier smiled a little before losing it and looking down at his hands, I sighed before holding one of his hands and rubbing my thumb over his knuckle.

"Just remember, Dutch saved you but you don't owe him your life. If you feel like things are only getting worse then leave, after hearing and seeing the others leaving I'm thinking about leaving with Scarlet" I told him and looked at him.

Javier held my hand back before looking up at me and kissing my cheek.

"I'm staying with you" Javier informed me and smiled.

I smiled back at him before hugging him and burying my head in his neck. Javier chuckled slightly before hugging me back.

"We should start packing and leave when everyone is asleep" Javier suggested.

I nodded before pulling away to look at him.

"We should let Arthur know" I said and Javier nodded.

I smiled slightly before getting up and going to find Arthur, as I was looking around I saw Micah giving me a smirk. I rolled my eyes before walking over to Arthur.

"Hey Arthur" I said and smiled.

"Hey Y/N" Arthur said before coughing slightly.

I lost my smile before sitting next to him and rubbing his back in a way to comfort him, Arthur smiled a little before looking at me.

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