You and me against the world

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Summary: as soon as Javier saw you walk into camp with Dutch, he fell head over heels for you.

Y/N: Your name
Y/H/L: Your hair length
Y/H/C: Your hair colour
Y/E/C: Your eye colour
1429 words

Javier was the first one to you walk through camp with Dutch and he took in every little detail about you like the way Y/H/L Y/H/C would gently blow in the wind or the way Y/E/C would search the camp to take in the new setting.

Javier smiled to himself as he watched Dutch show you around the camp, as he was watching you talk to Hosea with a smile on his face, he didnt notice Arthur sit next to him.

Whats got you all smiley? Arthur asked and chuckled.

Huh? Nothing Javier said and snapped back to reality.

Arthur only chuckled before watching you walk over with Dutch, Arthur stood up and offered you his hand to shake.

And this here is Arthur and Javier Dutch said whilst smiling.

Pleasure to meet you You said and smiled at the two men in front of you.

Dutch smiled before nodding his head and going over to his tent leaving you with Arthur and Javier who couldnt stop smiling at you, you chuckled before saying goodbye and walking over to the campfire to make friends.

Anymore staring from you might scare her off Arthur joked and chuckled.

I aint staring, just taking in her features Javier said and looked at the ground.

Why dont you actually try talking to her instead of just staring and smiling Arthur suggested.

I will, I will Javier said and walked over to his horse.

Arthur smiled at the lovestruck outlaw before walking over to the campfire and listen to Sean go over his story again, he smiled to himself as he saw Javier looking at you from a distance again Arthur chuckled before hearing Sean asking you your story.

So Y/N whats your story? Sean asked and looked at you.

Cmon Sean, she just got here today. Go easy her Arthur said and saw Javier join the conversation.

Its ok, for most of my life it was me and mom but once she got ill I had to take care of her so that meant getting money anyway I could. But once I finally got enough money it was too late, so after my mum passed, I decided to try the life on the road but that didnt go to how I planned. Lucky for me Dutch was passing by You said and smiled a little.

Javier looked at you and felt sorry for you, you looked at him before smiling and standing up to go and feed the chickens to help the camp. Javier watched you before turning his attention back to the campfire only to see everyone looking at him and smiling slightly.

Youre falling hard for her John said and chuckled.

What are you talking about? Hes already fell for her Arthur said and laughed.

Javier tried to hide himself from being taunted by his friends but couldnt help but chuckle along with them as he knew they were right, he had fallen hard for you but he couldnt really help it.

You watched as the three started to tease Javier about his little crush and found yourself smiling at how much they cared for each other.

So whens the wedding? Sean asked and playfully raised a eyebrow.

Then there will be little Javiers running around the place John said and chuckled.

There will be no wedding or babies anytime soon Javier said as he tuned his guitar.

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