Five (TUA) x Reader

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warning : loooong story around it

In this fic, you live with Reginald Hargreeves because you are really talented at stealing, sneaking around and fighting, stuff like that. He took you in, years after the others, training you, but never telling anyone. You helped him with his death and now you are sneaking around in the mansion, watching the others and making sure that everything goes as planned. But maybe, just maybe you have developed a tiny crush at Five... (he's a bit smarter here... )

So much for the info, have fun

These idiots are acting just as he had seen it coming. Still you can't help but feel a little bad for them. They seem to be quite nice after all and you know that the old man would easily be a bit too hard on everyone.

Oh no, Klaus is getting another bottle of vodka, you can't allow him to get too drunk, even though it's really hard to get him there as far as you know. You quickly look around and climb down from your hiding spot in the vents. You take the bottle as soon as he places it on the side table of the couch and pour most of the liquid into one of the plant pots, they're all fake anyway. Then you put it back again as he's not looking and turn around to hide again.

Then you freeze. Someone is looking at you from the other end of the hall. You quickly calculate your chances, he just turned around the corner and could think he was simply imagining you, the drunk wouldn't notice...
Within a split second you ran past Klaus, press yourself against the tapestry and dissappear. Inside the wall you hurry to climb into the ceiling again so you can watch and make sure everything is alright.

The biggest, most important part of your mission is not to get caught, no one is allowed to see you. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Such a rookie mistake. You could shoot yourself for not paying enough attention. But gladly you are still very good at being silent, so you reach your hiding spot without a sound and watch the two.

Now you can recognize that the other person is Five. Of course, who else could it have been... The moment really took you by surprise, if not you definitely would have noticed that for sure. Now you silently watch him walking towards Klaus. But he doesn't walk past him like you would have expected, watching his habits after he returned from the future you couldn't help but notice that he wasn't the family guy.

You hold your breath as he takes the bottle. Fuck, he shouldn't do that! You only knew him drinking something more classy and mixing cocktails... Reginald couldn't warn you about this, Five had been gone too long. He will notice the water, only someone drunk enough wouldn't. Damn, everything goes wrong with that guy.
To your surprise, he just takes a deep swig and hands the bottle back to his brother. Maybe you underestimated how much alcohol he can take without letting it show...

You stay there, watching as they just keep drinking in silence, glad that this is the only thing you have to worry about right now. Apparently, Five hasn't seen you and since the other Hargreeves are still in town, doing whatever, sitting the psych and the teleporter is quite simple, you have nothing else to entertain yourself with. So you just keep an eye on them while your thoughts drift off.

It's strange how you have to take care of these two most of the time. As the old man guessed, Vanya wouldn't become a problem yet, Allison and Luther keep each other busy, Diego is just a bit stupid and no one listened to Ben anyway. You are pretty sure he noticed you and most certainly tried to tell Klaus, but that one cared more about the next meal than his brothers warnings. A bit sad you couldn't see the ghost, the two of you surely would have a lot of fun together.

Thinking about that, you are really surprised that five hasn't noticed all the hidden doors and passages yet. He can teleport after all, why wouldn't he use that?!
You can't help but giggle in the soundless way you learned to do everything and anything on a daily basis. Then you focus your concentration on the two drunks under you.

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