Loki X Fandral - Swimming Pool

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-Smut warning, but what did you expect? -

HONESTLY I don't know if wattpad allows me to let it be so smutty, so please don't read it, if you feel offended by such things, so there's no need to report it.

Summary : Loki and Fandral are visiting a public swimming pool on earth nowadays. It's her first time. The story plays in an alternative universe where they are a couple for a while now. Have fun. The idea and request comes from some of my best friends.


"Hey, wait for me!", Fandral shouts as the group of asgardians enters the public pool. He was so fascinated by the animations of the entry that he missed the moment, in which his friends entered. After a short sprint he reached Thor and the others.

He glances at Loki who walks on Thor's other side. They have been a couple now for almost two months, but still haven't told anyone yet. Even though keeping their relationship a secret was hard, they managed that no one was expecting something. Until now.

He looks around, considering the outdoor pool and all the people running around. He was somehow afraid of this day. Since Thor told everyone that the midgardians wear almost nothing when they go swimming, not caring what anyone will think about them, he panicked at the thought of coming here.
He knew they had to dress the same, so they wouldn't attract attention, more than anyway. And he just didn't know how he should resist a literally half naked god for a whole day. Especially if this god was Loki. And his secret boyfriend.

He sighed in frustration. He should have acted sick, so he could stay at the hotel they checked in for the time they were visiting earth. But everyone was telling him that they would have so much fun and it was a pretty hot day too, so he decided a little cooling couldn't be wrong.
And no one who was able to use his brain would even try to argument with Sif when she was really excited about something.
And she was more than this about their poolday.

He sighed again and followed his friends which were looking for a shady place on the lawn. As they finally found one under a big Ash, which Volstagg named Yggdrasil immediately, they all dress up for swimming and put sunscreen on.

All, except Loki.
Fandral realizes that with the same amount of regret and relief. He is sad that they wouldn't have fun together, but maybe it was better this way.

If they would spend the whole time near each other and half naked, they would easily give away their feelings for each other.

But Thor seemed to be not at all ready to leave his brother outside of the fun.
"Loki, you have to come with us brother!" , he says, taking off the sunglasses Loki behind which Loki was hiding.
"Thor, you know this midgardian fun isn't really something for me. Go have fun with your friends. Maybe I'll join you the next time", the god of mischief answers, while he creates another pair of sunglasses.
Thor rolls his eyes, but smirks.
" But if you refuse to come with us the next time, I'll personally drag you to the water and let you fall in the pool. So you better dress up, little drama queen, we don't want your nice outfit to be ruined, don't we?", he answers. Then he turns around and walks to the pool. The others follow him while Loki lays down to read the book he brought with him.

But Fandral is confused. Is he the only one, that recognized the sad look Loki gave him as he was talking about "Thor's friends"?
He doesn't know what is going on in the mind of this beautiful black haired god, but he fears that Loki will hurt himself with his stubborn way of being.

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